
来源 :新疆画报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dong_0622
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2013年7月18日-8月5日,由新疆维吾尔自治区文化厅主办、新疆油画学会、自治区大型文化活动服务中心、自治区博物馆承办的“向上一新疆油画作品学术展”在自治区博物馆展出。在新疆各项事业蓬勃向上,文化工作呈现大发展、大建设、大繁荣之际,本次展览以“向上”作为主题,一是强调在实现中国梦的伟大征程中,美术家向上追求和不断超越的一次迈进;二是彰显新疆美术界在艺术创作、学术探索、精神追求上的一种状态。“学术展”是本次展览的特质,新疆油画在坚持现实主义创作的旗帜下,成绩斐然。本次美术大展和世界舞蹈盛会相互辉映,使新疆大地的艺术色彩更加浓烈酣畅,更加熠熠生辉。 July 18, 2013 - August 5, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Department of Culture sponsored by the Xinjiang Oil Painting Society, the autonomous region’s large-scale cultural events service center, autonomous region museum hosted the “Exhibition of Xinjiang Oil Painting Works” in the Autonomous Region Museum Exhibition Out As various undertakings flourish in Xinjiang and cultural work shows great development, great construction and prosperity, the exhibition focuses on “Upward ”. First, it emphasizes that the artist pursues the quest in the great journey of realizing China’s dream And one step forward constantly; the other is a manifestation of the state of art in Xinjiang, academic exploration, spiritual pursuit of a state. “Academic Exhibition ” is a characteristic of this exhibition. Xinjiang Oil Painting has achieved great success under the banner of realistic creation. The art exhibition and the world’s dance festival embraced each other, making Xinjiang’s terrestrial art more intense and hearty, more sparkling.
STR—S6708/6709是日本山肯公司近年来开发研制的他激式、并联型开关电源厚膜芯片,内含有STRAT UP(电源软启动)、PERREG(调整稳压)、OSC(振荡器)、DRIVE(比例驱动器)、LATCH
“秦美”猕猴桃(原代号“周至111”),属美味猕猴桃〔Actinidia deliciosa(A.Chev.)C.F.Liang et A.R.Ferguson〕。1980年在周至县艽峪乡前峪村大回沟发现,系实生变异。母树
你知道吗?低氧、高二氧化碳在一定情况下也有益于人的身体健康。科学家发现,国内外的长寿者和长寿乡,绝大部分在山区,而山区低氧与人的寿命有很大关系。 You know? Hypoxia,