《今天的街头摄影》(Street Photography Now)拿在手里,犹如瞥见一位远旅很久没有音信的老友,突然推门而入。街头摄影,是摄影史中最悠久、最强大的传统。但上个世纪约有30年的时间,大致是1970年代到1990年代末,西方摄影界的一个情况是“当代艺术摄影”独自发骚,街头摄影形如弃儿。具体到摄影家身上,就是二流三流甚至不入流的“当代艺术摄影师”都能轻易拿到基金会
Street Photography Now is in her hand as if she had glimpsed an old friend who had not heard for a long time before suddenly pushing in. Street photography, photography history is the oldest and most powerful tradition. However, about 30 years in the last century, roughly from the 1970s to the late 1990s, a circumstance in western photography is that “contemporary art photography” shows itself alone and the streets are shaped like abandoned children. Specific to the photographer who is the second-rate third-class or not inflow “Contemporary art photographers ” can easily get the Foundation