Immobilization and direct electrochemistry of copper-containing enzymes on active carbon

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaolei000
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Two typical and important copper-containing enzymes, laccase (Lac) and tyrosinase (Tyr), have been im- mobilized on the surface of active carbon with simple ad- sorption method. The cyclic voltammetric results indicated that the active carbon could promote the direct electron transfer of both Lac and Tyr and a pair of well-defined and nearly symmetric redox peaks appeared on the cyclic volt- ammograms of Lac or Tyr with the formal potential, E0′, independent on the scan rate. The further experimental re- sults showed that the immobilized copper-containing oxidase displayed an excellent electrocatalytic activity to the electro- chemical reduction of O2. The immobilization method pre- sented here has several advantages, such as simplicity, easy to operation and keeping good activity of enzyme etc., and could be further used to study the direct electrochemistry of other redox proteins and enzymes and fabricate the catalysts for biofuel cell. Two typical and important copper-containing enzymes, laccase (Lac) and tyrosinase (Tyr), have been im- mobilized on the surface of active carbon with simple ad- sorption method. The cyclic voltammetric results indicated that the active carbon could promote the direct electron transfer of both Lac and Tyr and of a pair of well-defined and nearly symmetric redox peaks of the cyclic volt- ammograms of Lac or Tyr with the formal potential, E0 ’, independent on the scan rate. showed that the immobilized copper-containing oxidase displayed an excellent electrocatalytic activity to the electro- chemical reduction of O2. The immobilization method pre- sented has several advantages, such as simplicity, easy to operation and keeping good activity of enzyme etc., and could be further used to study the direct electrochemistry of other redox proteins and enzymes and fabricate the catalysts for biofuel cell.
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