
来源 :校园英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zongbangsheng
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现阶段,高职英语课程内容与职业资格标准间存在一定的分离,主要表现为课程内容比较陈旧,教学的方式过于单一,缺乏一定的应用性和实践性,受到传统教育的影响,教学方式缺乏相应的职业导向作用。因此,必须基于职业资格标准下,对高职英语课程内容进行改革,从不同的专业出发,设置不同特色的高职英语课程,改变以往的教学理念,树立全新的工学合一育人思想,并多关注学生地学习效果,构建一个以职业资格标准为导向的高职英语课程教学体系。 At this stage, there is a certain separation between vocational English curriculum content and professional qualification standards, mainly because the content of the course is rather old, teaching methods are too simple, lack of applicability and practicality, influenced by traditional education and lack of teaching methods Corresponding career-oriented role. Therefore, it is necessary to reform the contents of the English Curriculum for Higher Vocational Education based on the professional qualification standard, set different characteristics of higher vocational English curriculum from different specialties, change the previous teaching idea and establish a brand-new idea of ​​unity of work and learning Pay more attention to the learning effect of students and construct a higher vocational English teaching system guided by professional qualification standards.
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F— 8 2 0血细胞分析仪是一种半自动血液分析仪 ,可同时测定白细胞 (WBC)、红细胞 (RBC)、血小板 (PLT)等 1 5项指标。机内采用电阻检测法原理测各项细胞参数 ,细胞在导电稀释液中利用
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7月21日,第十二届“星海杯”全国少儿钢琴比赛贵州赛区开幕,100多名小选手将分5个组别争夺10月份在北京举行的总决赛资格。经国家教育部批准,由中央音乐学院 On July 21, th
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