张成义副省长强调 要采取措施抓好落实 全面完成医药行业的各项指标

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5月30日,张成义副省长召集有关单位负责人参加的加快北药开发推进工作会议,并在会上讲话强调,今年前4个月,全省医药行业的形势比较喜人,出现了速度和效益同步增长、医药工业经济运行质量全面提高的良好态势。但是,随着“非典”疫情的控制,人们对“非典”恐惧心理的消除和理性的回归,生产防治“非典”类药品的医药企业销售量将呈现下降态势。希望各部门继续努力工作,千方百计地采取措施,抓好组织落实,确保完成推进工作的各项目标和医药行业的各项指标。特别是要重点抓好以下五项工作:首先,要抓住国家支持东北老工业基地调整改造的历史发展机遇,统筹规划,全面安排,加快医药行业的结构调整。省计委、经贸委和有关部门,包括 On May 30th, Vice Governor Zhang Chengyi called the person in charge of the relevant unit to participate in the meeting to accelerate the development of the North Pharmaceutical Development. He also emphasized at the meeting that in the first four months of this year, the situation of the pharmaceutical industry in the province was relatively gratifying, and the speed and The simultaneous growth of benefits and the overall improvement of the quality of the economic operation of the pharmaceutical industry are well established. However, with the “SARS epidemic” control, people’s elimination of “SARS” fear and rational return, production and prevention of “SARS” pharmaceutical sales of pharmaceutical companies will decline. It is hoped that all departments will continue to work hard and do everything possible to take measures and do a good job of organizing and ensuring the completion of the various objectives of the work and various indicators of the pharmaceutical industry. In particular, we must focus on the following five tasks: First, we must seize the historical development opportunities of the state to support the adjustment and transformation of old industrial bases in the northeast, make overall plans, make overall arrangements, and accelerate the structural adjustment of the pharmaceutical industry. Provincial Planning Commission, Economic and Trade Commission and related departments, including
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