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这几个动词都包含有“骄傲”、“自傲”之类意思,意义都比较相似。但它们无论在语义构造或使用范围上都各有不同,如果我们单从辞典上的汉语语释来理解它们,不仅难以很好地辨别它们的区别,而且易于造成错误的理解或使用。下面我们就探讨一下这几个词的意义和区别。 These verbs contain the meanings of “pride” and “pride,” all of which have similar meanings. However, they differ in their semantic structure or scope of use. If we interpret them only from the Chinese language in the dictionary, it is not only difficult to distinguish them well but also to misunderstand or use. Below we explore the meaning of these words and the difference.
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GIS and GPS technology was applied to construct spatial database of ecotourism resources in the Lijiang River Basin,the process of constructing database was ela
讨论了海洋中电磁研究的结果。特别注意苏联境内的研究结果. The results of electromagnetic studies in the oceans are discussed. Special attention to the results of
通过对比英汉句子在运用中信息分布的不同特点指导我们在翻译中调整原文句法结构以达到译文与原文的信息对等。 By contrasting the different characteristics of the dist
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计划调节与市场调节,都有各自的优点和缺陷,要把两者的优点和长处更好地结合起来,就必须努力发挥它们的积极作用,限制消极作用,并且把结合中的矛盾减少到最低 Both plannin
引言 随着地震解释员对地层细节的要求不断提高,负有传输数据的信息处理机的担子就愈来愈重。我们这里将研究地震处理中经常被人们忽视或曲解的一个方面,即对相位的适当处理.