
来源 :医药与保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feylodiw
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我的小儿子刚刚出生,妻子就没奶水,饿得小家伙“哇哇”直哭,我四处讨问偏方,妻吃了也不见效,只得买奶粉喂.今年二月初三,儿子满两周岁,亲朋好友聚在一起热闹了一番,晚上我和妻子忙了一天准备歇息,可小儿子突然哭叫起来,妻子以为孩子饿了,彻了一瓶奶粉喂,刚吃了一半全吐了出来,鼻子也喷出了奶,他哭得更欢了;后半夜竟泻肚子,便出的丝丝络络呈绿白色,这下我们慌了手脚,到医院检查才知是喂养方法不当,导致脾胃不和所致,开了一些药回家服养. My little son was born, his wife no milk, hungry little guy, “wah-wah,” straight cry, I asked around folk remedies, the wife did not eat effective, had to buy milk feed .In February this year, Friends and family gathered together to bustle a lot, I was busy with my wife at night to prepare for a rest, but the younger son suddenly crying, his wife thought the child hungry, a bottle of milk feed, just half the whole spit it out, His nose is also sprayed out of milk, he cried more joy; late diarrhea diarrhea, then the flushed green and white network, which under our panic, to the hospital to check that the improper feeding, leading to the stomach Inconsistent, opened some medicine to go home to take care of.
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