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华新水泥股份有限公司历史悠久,经历了漫长而曲折坎坷的道路。其前身是创建于清末光绪33年(1907年)的大冶湖北水泥厂,是中国近代水泥工业最早的三家水泥厂之一。 清王朝由于历经两次鸦片战争之败,深受列强欺凌掠夺,国家白银大量外流。至光绪年间,恭亲王奕诉执掌中央人权,他鉴于清政府依靠洋人创工厂、修铁路等,致使大量白银被赚走的情况,提出由国人自修铁路,此议一出,各省甚为响应。 时任湖广总督的张之洞当时在湖北已创办了汉阳铁厂,作为洋务运动的积极者,张之洞不仅响应国人自修铁路之议,且在工业实业上极力招商办厂。张之洞以为;修建铁路,必需大量的铁轨、枕木和水泥。 Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. has a long history and has experienced long and winding roads. Its predecessor was Daye Hubei Cement Factory, established in Guangxu 33rd year (1907) in the late Qing Dynasty, and it was one of the first three cement plants in China’s modern cement industry. Because of the defeat of the two Opium Wars, the Qing dynasty was deeply bullied and plundered by the great powers and the country’s silver was heavily drained. During the reign of Emperor Guangxu, the Crown Prince petitioned the Central People’s Government for human rights. In view of the fact that the Qing government relied on foreigners to create factories and repair railroads, a large amount of silver was earned, and it was proposed that the railways be self-study by the Chinese people. This proposal came out and the provinces responded. At the time, Zhang Zhidong, the Governor of Huguang, had already established the Hanyang Iron Works in Hubei Province. As an active member of the Westernization Movement, Zhang Zhidong not only responded to the proposal of self-satisfying Chinese railways, but also tried to attract investment and set up factories in industrial industries. Zhang Zhidong thought that; building a railway requires a lot of rails, sleepers and cement.