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有句民谚说:“七十三、八十四,阎王不叫自己去。”意思是,在这两个年龄辞世的老人较多。在现实生活中,这种说法大多得到应验。这是迷信,是巧合,还是人生命运动中的一条规律?科学家们对这种现象进行了反复的研究,发现人的生命有一个周期性的规律,大致是7~8年为一个周期,循环往复。每个周期中存在着生命活动的高潮和低潮。一般周期的中间年龄为高潮,而周期的始末为低潮。高潮称健康稳定年龄,人的免疫能力较强,去世的人就少;低潮称健康减弱年龄,人的免疫能力较弱,去世的人就相对较多。其实,人的生命周期性规律还不止于此。医学研究表明,不少疾病的发生与恶化具有明显的时间特点,在某些时间段人的生命力特别脆弱,最易被病魔击倒,被称为“魔鬼时段”。专家特别提醒说,这几个时段对人的健康至关重要,应引起大家的重视。 There is a saying: “Seventy-three, eighty-four, Hades do not call themselves.” “It means that there are more elderly people who have died at these two ages. In real life, most of this has been fulfilled. This is superstition, is a coincidence, or a law of human life and movement? Scientists have conducted repeated studies of this phenomenon and found that human life has a cyclical law, roughly seven to eight years for a cycle, the cycle Reciprocating. Each cycle there is the climax and ebb of life activity. The median age of the general cycle is the climax, and the cycle begins and ends at a low ebb. Climax said that healthy and stable age, human immunity stronger, fewer people died; low ebb said healthy weakened age, human immune capacity is weak, the death of people is relatively large. In fact, the law of human life is not limited to this. Medical research shows that the occurrence and deterioration of many diseases have obvious time characteristics. In some periods, the vitality of human beings is particularly vulnerable and most likely to be knocked down by the disease. This is called the ”Devil Period". Experts remind that these several sessions are crucial to human health and should arouse people’s attention.
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