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1981年以来,我区档案学会工作在上级学会的指导下逐步开展起来。几年来,我们团结全体会员和广大档案工作者,以马列主义、毛泽东思想为指导,坚持四项基本原则,贯彻“双百”方针,从实际出发,积极开展学术活动,大力普及专业知识,为提高档案工作人员的业务素质,为推动全区档案事业,做了一定工作。一、统一认识,建立健全学会组织。1981年4月,省档案学会成立后,地区档案局即召集本区的16名会员酝酿建立了会员小组。近年来,随着档案事业的全面发展,档案学术研究工作也相应地得到了蓬勃发展。在这种情况下,“会员小组”的“微型”组织形式已远不能 Since 1981, the work of our district archives society has been carried out gradually under the guidance of a higher level society. In the past few years, we unite all our members and archivists and, under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, adhere to the four cardinal principles and the “double hundred” principle. From a practical standpoint, we actively carry out academic activities and vigorously popularize professional knowledge. Improve the professional quality of file staff, to promote the cause of the region’s file, do a certain amount of work. First, a unified understanding, establish and improve the learning organization. In April 1981, after the establishment of the Provincial Archives Association, the District Archives called a group of 16 members brewing to establish a member group. In recent years, with the all-round development of archives, the archival academic research has correspondingly been booming. In this case, the “micro” organizational form of “affiliate groups” is far from complete
近日,湖南省委、省政府下发《关于进一步扩大消费需求的指导意见》,强调要努力增加城乡居民收入,逐步完善市场就业、工资增长、 Recently, Hunan Provincial Party Committe
在一辆非常拥挤的公共汽车上,一个小男孩不停地吸着鼻涕,吸得站在他对面的一位妇人实在忍受不 In a very crowded bus, a little boy keeps sniffing and sucks a woman st
宋任穷同志为四川档案工作题词:“逐步实现档案工作的科学化现代化。” 省委书记杨汝岱视察四川省档案馆。 省府批准在成都新建总面积为18,000m~2的省档案馆大楼。 各市、地
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《China Foundry》(《中国铸造》英文版,双月刊),国际标准刊号ISSN 1672-6421,国内统一刊号CN 21-1498/TG。主要报道国内铸造领域的新技术、新工艺、新材料、新装备以及行业