与首钢相得益彰 “在外援中,乐万·阿尔斯通不是最好的,但却是作用最大的。”这是首钢队主教练闵鹿蕾对阿尔斯通的评价。而阿尔斯通幽默、开朗的性格,也使他跟队友相处得如兄弟般融洽。 本赛季单涛的离去,使首钢队的“双塔”只剩下巴特尔,“双塔”战术无法实施,少帅闵鹿蕾转而强调整体配合,在整体配合中增加多点进攻、移动进攻,原来“内外结合,以内为主”的方针变成“内外结合,以我为主”。
And Shougang complement each other “In foreign aid, Levin Alston is not the best, but it is the most important.” This is Shougang coach Min Lulei Alstom’s evaluation. Alstom’s humorous, cheerful personality also made him as brother-friendly as his teammates. The departure of Dan Tao alone this season, so that the Shougang team “Twin Towers” only Battle, “Twin Towers” tactics can not be implemented, Marshal Min Lulei instead emphasize the overall cooperation in the overall cooperation to increase multi-point offensive, mobile offensive, The original “internal and external combination, mainly within the” principle into a “combination of internal and external, with me as the main.”