The LX-1 is a microprocessor-based monolithic circuit that serves as a design methodology for researching and designing and developing a similar computer as a large scale integrated circuit. The paper emphasizes the simple structure of the LX-1, discusses the devices and simulation devices that support programming, and gives an example. The microprocessor’s main control part is 256 words 64-bit control memory to achieve the rest of the logic is divided into very few unique functional logic. There are 16 general-purpose 16-bit registers and a 256-word 16-bit scratchpad. The period is 70 nanoseconds. Logic functions such as addition, bitwise logic, array shift and array multiplication. In order to confirm the ability to use a small general-purpose microprogrammer in real-time digital signal processing, the use of LX-1 as a digital vocoder has been studied. The advantage of using a microprogrammer instead of a dedicated machine in such an application is due to the lower cost of such a general purpose machine and the flexibility to change the microprogram. Describes the main part of the codec’s spectrum analyzer and its operation on the LX-1 simulator. The results show that the spectrum analyzer on the LX-1 prototype is promising with minimal additional equipment, such as real-time operation with a 200 sample input buffer. Moreover, the proposed LX-1’s large-scale integration solution can operate in half dual mode, both for analysis and synthesis, or for processing several input channels.