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中国植物学会为了交流植物引种、驯化、栽培、育种和建立植物园工作经验,于1964年9月21日至28日在庐山召开了第一届全国植物引种驯化学术会议。 这次会议全面地检阅了解放后十多年来全国各地植物园的工作,从而增加了各有关单位之间的相互了解,并且明确了今后的工作方向。 会议的主要收获有以下几方面: (1)不少代表通过亲身体会,深深感到解放以后,我国植物园事业得到巨大的发展。现在我国已有规模大小不同的植物园三十余处,分布全国各地进行植物引种驯化等工作,并在支援工、农业生产和园林建设等方面做出了不少成绩。 (2)通过学术论文报告和讨论,大家对植物引种驯化的概念和意义有了进一步的认识。同时,明确了植物引种驯化工作者应该注意理论联系实际,积极调查研究国内外的植物资源,选择有经济价值而又为当前迫切需要的植物,进行引种、栽培并选育新品种,为农、林、牧、园艺、医药等生产事业,提供新材料和新技术。并积累大量资料,为建立实验分类、实验生态、遗传育种、栽培生理、经济植物学和种子学等学科创造条件。 In order to exchange experiences on plant introduction, domestication, cultivation, breeding and establishment of botanical gardens, Chinese Botanical Society held the first national conference on plant introduction and domestication in Lushan from September 21 to September 19, 1964. The conference comprehensively reviewed the work of botanic gardens in all parts of the country after its liberation for more than a decade, thereby increasing mutual understanding among relevant units and clarifying the direction of its work in the future. The main achievements of the conference are as follows: (1) After many delegates realized through personal experience that they deeply feel the liberation, great achievements have been made in the development of the botanical garden in our country. At present, there are more than 30 botanic gardens of different sizes in our country, distributing plant domestication and domestication throughout the country, and have made many achievements in support workers, agricultural production and landscape construction. (2) Through the academic papers reported and discussed, we have further understanding of the concept and significance of plant introduction and domestication. At the same time, it is clear that plant introduction and domestication workers should pay attention to integrating theory with practice, actively investigate and study plant resources at home and abroad, select plants with economic value and urgently needed for introduction, cultivation and breeding of new varieties for agriculture, Lin, animal husbandry, horticulture, medicine and other manufacturing businesses, providing new materials and new technologies. And accumulate a large amount of data to create conditions for the establishment of experimental classification, experimental ecology, genetic breeding, cultivation physiology, economic botany and seed science.
目的 寻找佐剂茯苓多糖PCP?Ⅰ部分酸水解的最佳条件,为制备其主要寡糖片段和结构解析提供实验依据.方法 采用薄层层析法和高效凝胶渗透法,首先考察不同三氟乙酸(TFA)浓度(0.0
目的 针对乳腺癌患者的就诊延误现状,分析就诊延误的相关因素.方法 选择就诊于北京市某三甲医院符合纳入标准的354名乳腺癌女性患者,采用问卷调查法进行调查,问卷包括一般资
目的 评价常规超声联合实时剪切波弹性成像技术对颈部淋巴结良恶性鉴别诊断的应用价值.方法 选取56例患者共65枚颈部淋巴结进行常规超声及实时剪切波弹性成像检查,对比穿刺活