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我县水稻面积48万亩,近年来稻曲病发生日趋严重,尤其辽粳5号品种发病更甚,影响了我县水稻的产量和质量。为了解决生产上这一实际问题,结合前两年防治经验,1986年我们选用几种杀菌剂做了防治试验,并进行了防治示范(17,100亩),取得了较好的效果。防治稻曲病使用的药剂有6%多菌铜粉(沈阳沙河农药厂)、10%混二元酸铜胶溶剂(辽化研究院)、4%井岗霉素水剂(江苏宜兴农药厂),30%稻丰灵水剂(南京铜井农药厂)。使用方法是,在8月初,即水稻出穗前7—15天施用最好, Rice area of ​​480000 mu in our county, in recent years, the incidence of false smut is more serious, especially the incidence of even more varieties of Japonica 5, affecting the yield and quality of rice in our county. In order to solve this practical problem of production and combined with the prevention and control experience of the previous two years, in 1986 we selected several fungicides to make prevention and control experiments and carried out prevention and treatment demonstration (17,100 mu) and achieved good results. The medicine used to control False Smut is 6% multifungal copper powder (Shenyang Shahe Pesticide Factory), 10% mixed dicarboxylic acid copper and copper peptizer (Liaohua Research Institute), 4% Jinggangmycin agent (Jiangsu Yixing Pesticide Factory ), 30% rice Fengling agent (Nanjing Tongjing Pesticide Factory). Use is that in early August, that is, the first 7-15 days before rice earliest application,
目的 了解宾馆工作人员对艾滋病知识的掌握情况以及他们对在宾馆中放置安全套的看法 ,为在宾馆中推广使用安全套预防艾滋病病毒 (HIV)传播提供依据。方法 使用自行设计的调
附件所列健康相关产品已于 2 0 0 3年 2月获卫生部批准。特此通告。中华人民共和国卫生部二○○三年三月十四日附 :1 2 0 0 3年 2月份获卫生部批准的化妆品目录 (略 )2 2 0
目的 建立同种异体肢体移植的动物模式。 方法 Wistar大鼠的肢体移植给SD大鼠 ,术后抗炎 ,显微外科常规护理 ,观察移植后宿主及移植物的变化。 结果 大鼠的异体肢体移植
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一个月前,一家公司打来电话要我去复试。 在公交车上,我眺望窗外,想起了应聘前两家公司 的情景:公司的待遇很高,但一家要收员工档案费100 元,一家要收服装费300元。幸好我没
Objective To estimate the association of driver sleepiness with the risk of car crashes. Methods A population-based case-control study was conducted in Shenyan