
来源 :国外医学(放射医学核医学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XFJ1988
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引言联合国原子辐射效应科学委员会(UNSCEAR)于1955年建立,目前有21个成员国,它的目的是通过审核科学出版物及其它资料,对辐射的来源、效应及危险度作出结论.委员会已经发表了10篇综合性的评价报告,UNSCEAR的报告及其中的结论常常是辐射防护团体和管理机构制定政策的基础.本文目的是概述委员会新近的主要研究结果和结论,并就有关问题作简要讨论. Introduction The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) was established in 1955 and currently has 21 member states whose purpose is to conclude on the origin, effects and risks of radiation through the review of scientific publications and other sources. The Commission has already published Of the 10 comprehensive evaluation reports, the report of UNSCEAR and its conclusions are often the basis for policy-making by radiation protection groups and regulatory bodies. The purpose of this paper is to outline the most recent major findings and conclusions of the Commission and to discuss briefly the issues involved.
目前注射狂犬病疫苗常用的五针法,产生抗体较迟,15~29天才有20~40%产生抗体,到45天才是抗体产生的高峰期,但被病犬咬后发病的潜伏期多数在 1个月以内。为进一步了解狂犬病疫苗