
来源 :工程力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erhtyyuk
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基于线弹性理论和Biot多孔介质模型,分析了含液饱和多孔二维简支梁的动力响应,其中考虑了固体颗粒和流体的可压缩性以及孔隙流体的粘滞性。通过Fourier级数展开和常微分方程组的求解,得到了含液饱和多孔二维梁动力响应问题的解,并将其退化为单相固体二维梁的情形与Bernoulli-Euler梁和Timoshenko梁的自由振动相比较,验证了该文方法的正确性。作为数值算例,分析了含液饱和多孔二维梁的自由振动以及在均布简谐荷载作用下的动力响应特性,分析了表面渗透条件、孔隙流体渗透系数和荷载频率等参数对含液饱和多孔二维梁的自由振动频率、固相位移和孔隙流体压力等物理量的影响。 Based on the linear elasticity theory and the Biot porous media model, the dynamic response of a two-dimensional fluid-saturated porous two-dimensional beam is analyzed, in which the compressibility of solid particles and fluid and the viscosity of pore fluid are considered. By solving Fourier series expansion and ordinary differential equations, the solution to the dynamic response of a two-dimensional beam with liquid-saturated porous material is obtained, which is degraded to a single-phase solid two-dimensional beam with a Bernoulli-Euler beam and a Timoshenko beam Free vibration compared to verify the correctness of the method. As numerical examples, the free vibration of liquid-filled porous two-dimensional beam and the dynamic response under uniform harmonic load are analyzed. The effects of surface permeation conditions, pore fluid permeability coefficient and load frequency on the stability of liquid-saturated Free two-dimensional beam frequency of free vibration, solid phase displacement and pore fluid pressure and other physical quantities.
<正>The ionosphere is composed of a large number of electrons and ions, which are produced by the photoionization effect of the solar radiation on the neutral a
Owing to global warming,frequent ice shelf disintegration and rapid acceleration of inland ice flow have occurred in recent decades,which impacts the Antarctic
最常见的脊柱和脊髓先天性畸型为椎管闭合不全和尾部脊柱异常。大多数病例出生后或婴儿早期即可诊断 ,有一些病例在儿童后期甚至成年才能发现。MRI有利于诊断这两类畸形 ,并对早
我们对38例肝硬化患者进行了血浆内皮素测定,并就其临床价值作初步探讨,现报告如下。 对象和方法 一、对象: (一)正常人:30人(男20,女10)。均为我院放防保健科体检合格的
患者 男性,29岁.以发热、头痛、间歇性抽搐6周,加重3天入院.曾在外院按病毒性脑炎、肝昏迷治疗4周无效.3年前因肝硬变、脾功能亢进,行脾切除手术.无癫痫病史.查体:T38℃,P 80