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我自治区的商办工业肉联(冷冻)加工行业,大多数工厂都实行了以班组核算为基础(深度、广度有差别),分车间核算生产成本,全厂统一核算经营盈亏的三级管理、三级核算形式,并采取分单位、职工个人生产(工作)劳动竞赛与评比奖励相结合的多种措施和办法,以调动广大职工的生产(工作)积极性,但从实行经济核算的内容来看,尚存在不少问题,一般表现在: 一、经济责任问题 1、工厂、车间和科室对于自己的生产、经营活动是否能取得较好的经济效果及应承担何种责任不明确。多数是生产任务由上级规定,能调多少货源由下面安排,肉食产品当地分配,盈亏成果由财政承包,各项计划徒具形式,指标与实际相距很大,任务不能完成应由谁来负责大家都不明确。 2、工厂、车间或部门对使用的固定资产与经营资金,要求越多越好,至于这些固定资产的利用 In the commercial and industrial meat processing (freezer) processing industry of the autonomous region of our province, most factories have implemented three-level management based on team accounting (difference in depth and breadth), accounting for production costs in the workshop, and unified management of the profit and loss of the entire plant. In the form of three-level accounting, a variety of measures and methods combining sub-units, individual production (work) labor competitions and evaluation awards are adopted to mobilize the production (work) enthusiasm of the employees, but from the perspective of implementing economic accounting However, there are still many problems, which are generally manifested in: 1. Economic Responsibility 1. Whether the factories, workshops, and departments can obtain good economic results and their responsibilities for their own production and business activities are not clear. Most of the production tasks are stipulated by superiors. The number of sources that can be adjusted is set by the following. Meat products are distributed locally. Results of profit and loss are financed by the contractor. The plans are in the form of tools. The indicators are very different from the actual ones. Whoever is responsible for the task cannot be completed. Not clear. 2. The requirements for fixed assets and operating funds used by factories, workshops, or departments are as good as possible. As for the use of these fixed assets
随着经济的高速增长和人民生活水平的不断提高,世界各国对能源的需求量急剧增长。如目前,每年全世界一次能源消费量(不包括生物质能)已超过115亿吨标煤,其中, With the rap
杭州锅炉厂座落在风景秀丽的西子湖畔,创建于1955年,经历了我国国民经济的发展、调整、回升时期和十年动乱的沧桑。1976年7月,为了节约能源,综合治 Hangzhou Boiler Factor
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《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》实施以来,我国竞争市场发生了广泛而深刻的变化,现行法的滞后性凸显。加之一系列相关法律的出台与修订,有关法律条文存在交叉、重复的问题,导致修改现行法日趋必要。目前正在实施的反不正当竞争法共33条,《反不正当竞争法(修订草案送审稿)》共35条,对现行法条进行了修改,删除7条,新增9条。送审稿中不乏亮点,但仍有一些不成熟之处。  一、理顺《反不正竞争法》与《反垄断法》之间
小时候,和乡下的爷爷奶奶住在老房子里。  每天早晨,鼻子嗅到的都是新鲜的空气,时常也会夹杂些淡淡的花香。那时最爱的是奶奶用灶炉做的稀饭,如果再往里面添上少许白糖,我就一定会吃上满满一大碗,晶莹如玉的白米粥唤醒我每一个美好的清晨。  我喜欢去巷口的杂货店买糖吃。巷口离家是有一段距离的,奶奶便不大愿意让我一个人出门。通常我都是偷溜出去的,叫上三五伙伴,一起去那间向往的老店。店不大,店里的东西也不多,颜