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本文从系统功能语法的角度对英语存在小句中的动词进行系统描述。文章首先简要回顾前人对存在动词的分类,介绍Halliday把“词汇当作最精密的语法”的思想,在此基础上,探讨了存在小句中的动词的语义,提出这些动词主要体现“存在”、“移动”、“发生”和“归属”四种过程意义(即四个初级系统),着重考察了“存在”系统中更细微差别的意义可由哪些存在动词予以体现,并建构了一个存在意义系统网络。本研究是对Halliday把“词汇当作最精密的语法”的思想的实践,弥补了系统语法在描述存在意义上的空白,因此也在一定程度上丰富了系统语法。 This article systematically describes the verbs in English existential clauses from the perspective of systemic functional grammar. The article begins with a brief review of the predecessors’ classification of existing verbs, and introduces Halliday’s idea of ​​using vocabulary as the most precise grammar. On this basis, the semantics of verbs in existing clauses are explored, and these verbs are mainly expressed. “Existence”, “Mobile”, “Generation” and “Attribution” are the four process meanings (that is, the four primary systems), focusing on the more nuanced meaning of the “presence” system. It can be embodied by which verbs exist, and a network of existential systems is constructed. This study is the practice of Halliday’s idea of ​​using vocabulary as the most precise grammar to make up for the gaps in system grammar’s meaning in the sense of existence. Therefore, it also enriches the system grammar to some extent.
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凌晨5点,我再次被身体的酸疼麻木唤醒,便又叫起睡在身后的妈妈,给我翻今夜的第六次身。妈妈在迷蒙中起身,几乎不用睁眼就辩清了我的位置,然后用双手拿住我的腿和肩膀,使出柔和的劲道向后一搬,我便像一节笨重的圆木转向了另一侧,最后妈妈在我胯间恰到好处的一蹬,齐活!她帮我盖好被子,又到我身后继续去做她那个破碎的梦。  这样日复一日,在二十年照顾我的日子里,妈妈从未得到一宿安眠。你可知道,就在二十年前,她也有
人武部自收编以来,后勤干部缺编较多,结构层次错位,很难与新形势对后勤工作提出的新要求相适应。人武部后勤干部队伍建设亟待加强.笔者认为要抓好以下几点: Since the arme
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