
来源 :中国西部 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhai4053
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中国西部有四大草原,即内蒙古的呼伦贝尔、西藏的羌塘、四川的若尔盖(含红原)和新疆的巴音布鲁克。四大草原风情万种,各具魅力。呼伦贝尔云水柔情,若尔盖(红原)广袤无边,羌塘苍凉蛮荒,巴音布鲁克地阔天远走近西部的草原,无不为那一望无际的开阔和勃勃生机感动、迷失。由于版面有限,本刊撷取呼伦贝尔、羌塘和红原的几处自然和人文片断,以饕读者。 There are four major grasslands in western China, namely Hulun Buir in Inner Mongolia, Qiangtang in Tibet, Ruoergai in Sichuan Province (including red primordium) and Bayinbuluke in Xinjiang. Four kinds of grassland million species, each with charm. Hulunbeir water tenderness, Ruoergai (Red) vast expanse, Qiangtang desolate wild, Bayinbuluke far and wide to the west of the prairie, all for that boundless open and full of vitality moved, lost. Due to the limited edition, this magazine picks up several natural and humanistic pieces from Hulunbeier, Qiangtang and Hongyuan to the readers.
It is actually known as Apak Hoja Tomb, butmost outsiders know it is called the tomb ofFragrant Imperial Concubine in Kashgar.According to history, the building
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世界音乐史上三位不世出的天才:帕格尼尼因死而来到这里,威尔第和托斯卡尼尼则因死而彻底离开这里。总之,他们的生和死都和帕尔马结下了不解之缘。 Three worldly geniuses
我们是否已经刮了俄罗斯境内。 是的,已经进八俄罗斯国境j这是伊凡大帝时建造的。 这心该是号称钟王的大钟。好呀!走吧。‘ 我们蛩前面去看 这教堂巍峨壮观,好极啦!i一,一 、
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