以科学发展观为指导 推进基层党建工作改革创新

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主持人:党的基层组织建设始终是一个与时俱进的创新发展过程,发展中出现的问题需要用改革创新的办法来解决。以科学发展观为指导,推进基层党建工作改革创新,就是要坚持着眼实践,把握规律,充分运用科学发展观所体现的世界观和方法论,科学把握基层党建工作的规律和特点,激发基层党组织和党员的内在动力,统筹协调、整体推进基层党建工作。近年来,临沂市坚持以科学发展观为指导,以改革创新的精神,认真研究新情况,切实解决新问题,不断加强和改进基层党建工作,为全市经济社会又好又快发展提供了坚强的组织保障。今天,我们在这里召开座谈会,总结经验,交流体会,以期对各地党建工作的开展有所启发和教益。 Moderator: The building of the party’s grassroots organizations has always been an innovation and development process that keeps pace with the times. Problems that arise in the development need to be solved by means of reform and innovation. Guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development, promoting reform and innovation in party-building at grass-roots levels means consistently observing the law and grasping the law and making full use of the world outlook and methodology embodied in the scientific concept of development. We should scientifically grasp the laws and characteristics of the grass-roots party-building work, The inherent motivation of party members, co-ordination and coordination, the overall promotion of grass-roots party building. In recent years, Linyi City, adhere to the guidance of the scientific concept of development, with the spirit of reform and innovation, seriously study the new situation and effectively solve new problems, and constantly strengthen and improve grass-roots party building work for the city’s sound and rapid economic and social development has provided a strong Organizational security. Today, we hold a forum here to sum up experiences and exchange experiences, with a view to inspiring and contributing to the party-building work in various places.
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