新企业会计制度讲座 第四讲 成本、费用、营业收入、利润及利润分配

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(一) 成本、费用的核算 1.产品生产成本和商品采购成本的核算方法《企业会计准则》第四十八、第四十九条规定,企业直接为生产商品和提供劳务等发生的直接人工、直接材料、商品进价和其他直接费用,直接计入生产经营成本;企业为生产商品和提供劳务而发生的各项间接费用,应当按照一定的标准分配计入生产经营成本。企业行政管理部门为组织和管理生产经营活动而发生的管理费用和财务费用,为销售和提供劳务而发生的进货费用、销售费用,应当作为期间费用,直接计入当期损益。《准则》参照国际惯例,严格划分了“生产经营成本”与“期间费用”的界限,生产经营成本属于产品成本的 (1) Accounting of Costs and Expenses 1. Accounting Method of Production Costs and Purchasing Costs According to Articles 48 and 49 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, direct enterprises directly producing goods and providing labor services, etc., , Direct materials, purchase price of goods and other direct costs are directly included in the cost of production and operation. The indirect costs incurred by enterprises for the production of goods and rendering of services shall be allocated to the cost of production and operation in accordance with certain standards. The administrative expenses and financial expenses incurred by the administrative department of an enterprise for the organization and management of production and business activities, the purchase and sales expenses incurred for the sale and provision of labor services shall be charged directly to the profits and losses of the current period as the expenses for the period. According to the international standard, the “Guidelines” strictly define the boundaries between the “cost of production and operation” and the cost of “period”, and the cost of production and operation belongs to the cost of production
《词语修辞与文化》是谭汝为先生1998年出版的新著。其特色可以用“求实、求新、求活”6个字概括。 一、求实 这里说的求实,有两方面的意思。 首先是拥有丰富的语料。例如“古典诗
目的相匹配的两组无已知冠心病(CAD)人群分别行多层CT冠状动脉成像及单光子发射计算机体层摄影(SPECT)心肌灌注显像,对其费用和临床结果进行对照研 The purpose of matching
11月20日,为维基百科提供资金、法律、技术和基础设施支持的维基媒体基金会(WMF)的执行理事苏·加德纳(Sue Gardner)委托基金会发言人、全球事务传播经理马修·罗斯(Matthew Roth)回复了《新民周刊》的提问。  46岁的加德纳曾是一名加拿大媒体人,2007年开始掌管维基媒体基金会。她今年3月27日突然宣布退意已决,等找到合适的接班人就转而投身其他项目。据悉,最可能的离职时间就是