好帮手:耕耘品质 升华价值

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不可否认,品质危机在各行业的爆发已经演变成一种社会现象。产品品质参差不齐、价格倾轧、返修率奇高等,只是这种社会现象在车载主机行业的具体表现。在车载主机行业,引起品质问题的重要原因有三:首先是上游供货商零部件品质不过关;其实在于厂家小批量、多批次生产特点使品质管控变得困难;最后是售后服务没有行之有效的管理措施。基于此,车载主机产品品质管控应该朔本追源,从上游供应、中游制造、下游服务三个重要节点来提升产品品质。事实上,这种保障产品品质的安全架构在行业内外已经被证明行之有效。3月适逢全国质量月,国家质量监督检验检疫总局公布的汽车GPS导航产品质量抽查结果报告显示,好帮手电子旗下卡仕达品牌产品连续三年抽查合格。在恶劣的市场竞争环境下,好帮手旗下卡仕达品牌却能连续三年通过国家级检验, 这在行业尚属首次, 也从结果的角度再次实证了好帮手在产品品质管控、产品研发技术、售后服务保障等方面的优势。在卡仕达连续三年通过国家级质检的背后,蕴含着好帮手多年来耕耘产品品质的幕后功夫。长期以来, 好帮手电子科技股份有限公司着眼未来,围绕提升产品品质的中心,从产品上游供应、中游制造以及下游服务三个角度引领产品品质进行质的跨越,这种通过纵向资源整合的品质管控实践开创了行业先河。从站在行业之外的更高维度年,好帮手联手上游供应商、中游制造商、下游服务、销售公司更体现出一种体系化竞争模式,这种模式下的三方是休戚相关的利益共同体、价值共同体, 更是品质共同体。好帮手以领航者的姿态对提升车载主机行业产品品质进行了新的探索,这对企业、行业都有着更深远的意义, 更意味着好帮手或将以此引领中国车载电子产业从“制造时代”走向“创造时代”。 Admittedly, the quality crisis has evolved into a social phenomenon in various industries. Uneven product quality, price declines, the repair exceptionally high rate, but this kind of social phenomenon in the car host industry, the specific performance. In the car host industry, quality problems caused by three important reasons: First, the quality of the upstream suppliers, but the quality of parts; in fact, small batch manufacturers, multi-batch production features make quality control becomes difficult; the last is the after-sales service did not work Effective management measures. Based on this, car host product quality control should be Shuo moon chase the source, from the upstream supply, midstream manufacturing, downstream services three important nodes to enhance product quality. In fact, this security architecture that secures product quality has proved effective both inside and outside the industry. March coincided with the national quality month, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine announced the results of the car GPS navigation product sampling results showed that the brand is a good helper Electronics Cascade three consecutive years of random checks. In the harsh market competition environment, a good helper brand Caska has been able to pass the national test for three consecutive years, which is the first time in the industry, but also from the point of view of the results once again demonstrated a good helper in product quality control, product development technology , After-sales service support and other advantages. In Caska for three consecutive years through the national quality inspection behind, contains a good helper for many years work hard behind the product quality kung fu. For a long time, a good helper Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. focus on the future, focus on improving product quality center, from the upstream product supply, midstream manufacturing and downstream services from three angles to lead the quality of products across the quality of vertical resources through the integration of quality control Practice pioneered the industry. From the stand outside the industry in a higher dimension, a good helper together upstream suppliers, midstream manufacturers, downstream services, sales companies reflect a more systematic competition model, this model is a community of three stakeholders , Value community, it is a community of quality. A good helper to pilot's attitude to enhance the car host industry product quality has been a new exploration, which enterprises and industries have more far-reaching significance, but also means that a good helper or will lead the Chinese car electronics industry from “manufacturing Time ”to “ create the era ”.
机械工业低压防爆电器产品质量监督检测中心挂靠在沈阳电气传动研究所 ,是原机械工业部 1 986年批准成立的 ,并于 1 996年通过国家计量认证和机构验收复查。 1 998年通过了中
一部《金婚》,让李菁菁一夜之间成了家喻户晓的名人。与她的知名度一起提升的,还有一段极速极炫的闪婚闪孕恋情—— A “Golden Marriage”, so that Li Jing Jing became a