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备受瞩目的兵团党委六届六次全委(扩大)会议审议通过了《新疆生产建设兵团国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》。权威人士指出,兵团党委六届六次全委(扩大)会议具有重要的历史和现实意义,兵团已站在经济社会发展新的起点上。“十二五”时期是落实中央新疆工作座谈会决策部署、加快推进新疆跨越式发展和长治久安的重要时期,也是兵团率先在西北地区全面建成小康社会的关键时期。谋划推进“十二五”发展,必须准确判断和把握形势,找准主攻和用力方向,紧紧抓住和用好重要战略机遇期。当前,兵团上下都在认真学习、领会、贯彻会议精神,本刊特发表这篇《从六届六次全委(扩大)会议看兵团发展走向》,以期为兵团广大干部职工深刻领会和把握会议、《纲要》精神提供帮助和借鉴。 The highly-anticipated meeting of the 6th Plenary Session (Enlarged) of the Sixth Corps Party Committee examined and approved the “Outline for the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.” Authorities pointed out that the six-nation plenary session (enlarged) meeting of the sixth corps’s party committees has an important historical and practical significance. The corps has stood at a new starting point for economic and social development. The “12th Five-Year Plan” period is an important period for implementing the policy-making and deployment of the symposium on working arrangements for the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and for accelerating the leap-forward development and long-term peace and security in Xinjiang. It is also a crucial period for the XPCC to take the lead in building a well-off society in an all-round way in the northwest. To plan and promote the development of the 12th Five-year Plan, we must accurately judge and grasp the situation, identify the main direction and the direction of hard work, and firmly grasp and make good use of important strategic opportunities. At present, the Corps are earnestly studying, understanding and carrying out the spirit of the conference. In this special issue, we published this article entitled “Towards the Development of Corps from the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth CPC National Congress (Enlarged)”, with a view to deepening and grasping the meeting for the Corps’ cadres and workers , “Outline” spirit to provide help and reference.
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