
来源 :吉林教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanmite123
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中小学教育作为学生受教育过程的启蒙阶段,教给学生一些必要的安全知识,使学生掌握一定的生存本领尤为重要。那么,如何才能更好地培养学生的自救能力、减少意外事故的发生呢?这就需要广大教师首先充分认识其重要性,努力做好安全教育工作,然后采取合理措施做好安全事故防范,并积极开展课题研究来指导学生自救能力的培养。当前,在安全教育日益受到重视的形势下,学校必须将安全教育问题放在工作的首位,因为安全是发展之本,一个人如果没有生命或生命质量差,就根本谈不上发展。同时,近年来安全事件频频发生,使得如何采取相应的措施以防止意外事故的发 Primary and secondary education, as the enlightenment phase of the students’ education, teach students some necessary safety knowledge and make it very important for students to master certain living skills. So, how to better cultivate students’ ability of self-help and reduce the occurrence of accidents? This requires that the majority of teachers first fully understand the importance of efforts to make safety education, and then take reasonable measures to prevent accidents and Actively carry out research projects to guide the cultivation of self-help ability of students. At present, with the increasing emphasis on safety education, schools must put the issue of safety education at the top of their work because safety is the basis of development. If a person has no life or quality of life is poor, it will not talk about development at all. In the meantime, frequent security incidents have taken place in recent years, making it possible to take appropriate measures to prevent accidents
重组的鼠可溶性IL-4受体在体内抑制或增强IgE应答〔英〕/SatoTA…//JImmunol.─1993,150.─2717~2123IL-4可刺激B细胞增殖,诱导其表面抗原表达并分泌IgE.另据报道,重组的可溶性IL-4受体(一种39KDa的蛋白... Recombinant murine soluble IL-4 r
应用文即实际应用文章,它具有实用性强的特点,是一门实践的学科,因为生活与工作离不开它。在众多写作文体中,应用文是应用面最广、实用性最强、 Practical or practical app
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