Re-scaling and adaptive stochastic resonance as a tool for weak GNSS signal acquisition

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqzlei
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Weak global navigation satellite system(GNSS) signal acquisition has been a limitation for high sensitivity GPS receivers. This paper modifies the traditional acquisition algorithms and proposes a new weak GNSS signal acquisition method using re-scaling and adaptive stochastic resonance(SR). The adoption of classical SR is limited to low-frequency and periodic signals. Given that GNSS signal frequency is high and that the periodic feature of the GNSS signal is affected by the Doppler frequency shift, classical SR methods cannot be directly used to acquire GNSS signals. Therefore, the re-scaling technique is used in our study to expand its usage to high-frequency signals and adaptive control technique is used to gradually determine the Doppler shift effect in GNSS signal buried in strong noises. The effectiveness of our proposed method was verified by the simulations on GPS L1 signals. The simulation results indicate that the new algorithm based on SR can reach-181 d BW sensitivity with a very short data length of 1 ms. Weak global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signal acquisition has been a limitation for high sensitivity GPS receivers. This paper modifies the traditional acquisition algorithms and proposes a new weak GNSS signal acquisition method using re-scaling and adaptive stochastic resonance (SR). The adoption of classical SR is limited to low-frequency and periodic signals. Given that GNSS signal frequency is high and that the periodic feature of the GNSS signal is affected by the Doppler frequency shift, classical SR methods can not be directly used to acquire GNSS signals. , the re-scaling technique is used in our study to expand its usage to high-frequency signals and adaptive control technique is used to determine the Doppler shift effect in GNSS signal buried in strong noises. The effectiveness of our proposed method was verified by the simulations on GPS L1 signals. The simulation results indicate that the new algorithm based on SR can reach-181 d BW sensitivity with a very short data length of 1 ms.
气动贯通式潜孔锤与双壁钻杆及专门研制的反循环钻头 (获国家发明专利 )配套使用 ,可实现反循环连续取心 (样 )钻进新工艺 ,连续获取的岩样采取率高 ,品质好 ,代表性强。经复
下关茶厂的名称沿革  1941年,云南中国茶叶贸易股份有限公司康藏茶厂,用“宝焰牌”商标;  1944年,改为云南中国茶叶贸易公司康藏茶厂;  1948年,改为云南中国茶叶贸易公司新康
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