
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hxffxh2009
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事实已经证明,“四人邦”拚命抓教育是为搞篡党夺权。“四人邦”在辽宁的那个死党,是这邦人抓教育的一个突出代表。一九六八年,他登上政治午台,一跃为辽宁的“太上皇”。上任以后,就紧紧抓住教育战线,用他自己的话说,“要象江青抓样板戏那样抓教育”。这句黑话表示了他要跟江青用文艺反党一样,利用教育反党的勃勃野心。他白天黑夜抓,大会小会讲,流毒全国,罪孽极大。斯大林在总结同托洛茨基、布哈林反党集团的斗争经验时说过:“用‘左的’假面具来掩盖机会主义的行动,是取得政权以后我们党内所有一切反对派别的最显著的特征之一。”“四人邦”及其在辽宁的死党正是这样一伙用假左掩盖其真右面貌的反革命黑邦。他们袭用林彪“打着毛主席的旗号打击毛主席的力量”的故伎,却比林彪伪装得更加狡猾,更富于欺骗性。 Facts have proved that the “gang of four” have done their utmost to grasp education in an effort to usurp the party’s power. The budding party of the “gang of four” in Liaoning is a prominent representative of this group of people in education. In 1968, he boarded the political platform in Taiwan and jumped to the “too big crown” in Liaoning. After assuming office, he firmly grasped the education front and, in his own words, said that “we should grasp education as a model opera like Jiang Qing.” This dialect shows that he wants Jiang Zemin to use the anti-Party work of literature and art to make use of the ambitious ambition of education against the CCP. He grasped day and night, the General Assembly would say a small part of the country and had a great sin. Stalin, summing up his experience of fighting against the Trotskyists in Trotsky and Bukharin, said: “To cover up opportunism with the mask of the ’leftist’ is the most significant manifestation of all the opposition factions in our party since the seizure of power ”The Gang of Four and its buddies in Liaoning are just such a group of counter-revolutionary black states that use their falsification to cover their true right. They attacked the old tricks of Lin Biao’s “efforts to strike Chairman Mao under the banner of Chairman Mao,” but were even more cunning and deceitful than that of Lin Biao.
A novel organic nonlinear material 4-dimethylamino-N-methyl-4-stilbazolium tosylate which was designed to have a donor/π-conjugated/acceptor structure was synt
所谓背光源(Back light)是位于液晶屏背后的一种光源,它的发光效果将直接影响到液晶显示模块(LCM)。液晶屏本身并不发光,它需要借助背光源来实现液晶屏的发光,液晶屏显示的图