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西部大开发是党中央的一项重大决策,它对于进一步巩固我国的统一、增强民族团结、建立巩固的边防有着巨大的意义。但如何开发、开发什么就摆在了我们的面前。只有大开放,才会大发展,西部也不例外。人类社会历史的发展就是在不断开放的过程中一步步发展起来的。我国古代春秋时期通过与周边民族的融合,大量使用铁器,迎来了中国封建社会发展第一个高峰期汉朝。后北方少数民族入主中原,汉人南迂,将长江流域开发,后开通南北大运河,迎来了封建社会发展的第二个高峰期唐朝,史称汉唐盛世。偏安的南宋,靠着海上丝绸之路,使它在经济上和科学上成为当时世界最发达的国家。改革开放的20年间,我国的华南迅速成为经济最具活力地区。邓小平同志在总结我国改革开放的经验时指出,上海改革开放晚了一点。随着上海浦东的开放,长江流域正在成为我国新的经济增长带。西方古代罗马奴隶制社会是在日耳曼民族入侵后,西欧才进入封建农奴制社会。后来海边的国家,特别是在新大陆发现后,通过工业产业革命在世界建立起“日不落”大帝国。停滞发展的广大的第三世界均是人口众多,地大物博,历史悠久,却被西方列强的坚船利炮轰开了国门,沦为殖民地或半殖民地,经过反抗斗争才逐步走上独立与复兴的道路。落后的东方可以“跨越卡夫丁峡谷”一举跨越资本主义而进入社会主义。当今的中国经 The great development of the western region is a major policy decision made by the Party Central Committee. It is of tremendous significance for further consolidating our country’s unity, enhancing national unity and establishing a consolidated frontier defense. But how to develop and develop what is in front of us. Only by opening up will great development and no exception in the west. The development of human social history is developed step by step in the process of continuous opening up. Through the integration of the neighboring ethnic groups in ancient China in ancient times, extensive use of ironware ushered in the first peak of the development of feudal society in China during the Han Dynasty. After the northern ethnic minorities entered the Central Plains and the Han people, they developed the Yangtze River basin and opened up the North-South Grand Canal. The Tang Dynasty, the second peak of the feudal social development, ushered in the history of Han, Tang and Song Dynasties. The prosperous southern Song Dynasty relied on the maritime Silk Road to make it economically and scientifically the most developed country in the world at the time. During the 20 years of reform and opening up, China’s south China quickly became the most economically viable region. In summarizing the experience of China’s reform and opening up, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out that Shanghai’s reform and opening up was a bit late. With the opening up of Pudong in Shanghai, the Yangtze River Basin is becoming the new economic growth belt in our country. Western ancient Roman slavery society was entered into feudal serfdom in Western Europe only after the invasion of the Germanic peoples. Afterwards, the seaside countries, especially those discovered in the New World, established the great empire in the world through the industrial revolution. The vast third world, which has been stagnantly developed, has a large population, vast territory and long history. However, it was later turned into a colony or a semi-colonial country by the fortunes of the Western powers and was gradually transformed into an independent and revitalized state after its resistance struggle the way. The backward East can enter socialism by leapfrogging capitalism. Today’s China classics
我国有两种历法,公历和农历。在1949年前,民间记事大都使用阴历,只有政府、报纸使用国历(公历)。而两种历法的换算是很麻烦的,常使一些历史研究者在某一日期面前犯迷糊。比如太极拳一代宗师杨澄甫先生的故乡、太极拳发祥地邯郸编写的《永年太极拳志》,第600页记载:杨澄甫“1936年3月3日(民国二十五年农历二月初十)病逝,终年53岁。”就是在阳历、阴历的换算上犯了糊涂。  最近,笔者承蒙中国人民大学的张