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本刊推荐《一碗清汤荞麦面》的故事在日本和韩国家喻户晓。因为在它朴素的语言下,蕴藏着触动灵魂的人格力量和人性光辉。一碗大年夜的清汤荞麦面,支撑了一个三口之家14年艰辛努力。这个在日韩广为流传的真实故事,感动了亿万人,成为在逆境中奋起,决不向命运低头的精神象征。对于面馆来说,最忙的时候,要算是大年夜了。北海亭面馆的这一天,也是从早就忙得不亦乐乎。平时直到深夜十二点还很热闹的大街,大年夜晚上一过十点,就很宁静 The magazine recommended “a bowl of soup buckwheat noodles,” the story of a household name in Japan and South Korea. Because in its simple language, hidden in the soul of personality and human touch glorious power. A large bowl of buckwheat noodles, supporting a three-family home 14 years of arduous efforts. This true story widely circulated in Japan and South Korea touched hundreds of millions of people and became the spiritual symbol that rose in adversity and never bowed to fate. For Noodle House, the busiest time, to be big. Beihai Pavilion noodle shop on this day, but also from the already too enjoyable. Usually until late at night is still very busy street, New Year’s Eve after ten o’clock, it is very quiet
孫中山致蔡元培書 孑民先生大鑒:來示敬悉。關於內閣之設備及其組織用人之道,弟意亦如是。惟才能是稱,不問其黨與省也。但此時則不能不收羅海內名宿,來教所論甚明。然其間尚
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