
来源 :植物保护学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chaosum
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在测定35种菊科植物对除草剂吡氟禾草灵敏感性的基础上,选择部分植物从电解质漏出及丙二醛生成两方面研究吡氟禾草灵在菊科植物间的选择性及其机制。结果显示,在供试的35种受体菊科植物中只有硬毛刺苞菊、刺苞果和续断菊3种植物对吡氟禾草灵敏感,且前两者的敏感性明显高于后者,而其它32种植物即使在100μmol/L的高浓度下生长亦不受影响。进一步研究发现,对吡氟禾草灵敏感的硬毛刺苞菊和续断菊在药剂处理后均显示出大量的电解质漏出和丙二醛(MDA)生成,100μmol/L浓度处理后96h的电导率分别较不含药剂空白对照处理高28.56倍和1.39倍,处理后24h的丙二醛较对照高1.72倍和1.33倍,而在其它非敏感植物上均无显著差异。说明吡氟禾草灵在菊科植物间具有很高的选择性,且该选择性的形成与药剂在敏感植物上诱导膜脂质的过氧化及导致膜结构的破坏有关。 Based on the determination of the sensitivity of 35 species of Compositae to the herbicide Pfizergrass, some plants were selected to study the selectivity and mechanism of flufenacet in Compositae from both the electrolyte leakage and the formation of malondialdehyde . The results showed that there were only 35 species of Compositae composites tested, which were sensitive to fluflucoside, and their sensitivities were significantly higher than that of the latter , While the other 32 plants were not affected even at high concentrations of 100 μmol / L. Further study found that the fluazifosmin-sensitive Haliotisia mandshurica and Seventus septentrional both showed a large amount of electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde (MDA) production after treatment, and the conductivity of 96-hour after 100 μmol / L treatment Respectively, which were 28.56 and 1.39 times higher than those of blank control without treatment. The malondialdehyde at 24 h after treatment was 1.72 and 1.33 times higher than that of the control, but no significant difference was found on other non-sensitive plants. The results showed that fluazifop is highly selective to Compositae, and this selective formation is related to the induction of membrane lipid peroxidation and the destruction of membrane structure by insecticides on sensitive plants.
本文论述对称波形-内标循环伏安法在测定葡萄酒中的乙醇中的应用,并对有关的技术问题进行讨论 This article discusses the use of symmetrical waveform-internal standard c
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