Nature and (in-)coherent metamorphic evolution of subducted continental crust in the Neoproterozoic

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In continental subduction complexes minor volumes of high-pressure mafic rocks (eclogites) often co-exist with much more abundant felsic (granitic) and metasedimentary rocks, which are vital for resolving the origin and metamorphic evolution of subducted continental crust. In SW Mongolia, the Alag Khadny eclogite-bearing accre-tionary complex (AKC) is assumed to represent either a remnant of oceanic slab, or a continental margin, subducted in the Early Cambrian. Here we present geochronological, geochemical and petrological evidence of subduction records for the three major types of lithologies that host mafic eclogites, including Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic granitic basement and overlying Neoproterozoic continental-margin sediments. Variably de-formed, ferroan and peraluminous metagranitoids compose a major part of AKC and are interlayered with eclogites in its southern and eastern margins. They have geochemical features of post-collisional/intraplate high-K calc-alkaline granites. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon geochronology of three distinct metagranite samples show uniform protolith crystallization ages of ca. 0.96 Ga and uncertain re-crystallization in the Late Neoproterozoic or Early Paleozoic metamorphic event, whereas abundant zircon inheritance indicates older, Mesoproterozoic to Paleoproterozoic crustal substrate during granite generation. The existence of Mesoproterozoic crust is highlighted by finding of distinct metagranitoids with the U-Pb zircon crystallization age of ca. 1.6 Ga. Hafnium isotope signatures (TDMC 2.88–1.85 Ga) of zircons from all lithologies preserved the evidence of reworked Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic crust, similar to that of the Baidrag block (southern Mon-golia), for both Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic rocks. Regardless of the specific lithology, the rocks display indicators of high-pressure metamorphic re-equilibration, including garnet (XCa up to 0.65)+epidote+phengite (Si p.f.u. up to 3.56) ± rutile assemblage in metagranitoids, garnet+phengite (Si p.f.u. up to 3.42) in quartz-rich semi-pelites and garnet+phengite (Si p.f.u. up to 3.39)+medium-Mg chloritoid (XMg up to 0.25)+kyanite+rutile in metapelites. Corresponding P-T conditions recovered from different lithologies reveal incoherent subduction of rocks, which could be shallow for granitic basement (1.1–1.4 GPa and 600–670 °C) and clastic metasediments (1.4–1.6 GPa, 570–620 °C), but deeper for metapelites (2.1–2.3 GPa, 500–570 °C). consis-tent with that of eclogites, The combined data show that the Alag Khadny complex represents a remnant of a rifted Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic (ca. 1.6–0.96 Ga) continental margin consequently metamorphosed under HP conditions during Late Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian evolution of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Acquired P-T estimates imply that high-pressure metagranitoids and metasedimentary rocks equilibrated at different depths, but most likely shared a common subduction-related metamorphic evolution.
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