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胡锦涛总书记曾在省部级主要领导干部社会管理及其创新专题研讨班开班式上指出,“要加强社会管理法律、体制、能力建设,维护人民群众权益,促进社会公平正义,保持社会良好秩序,建设中国特色社会主义社会管理体系,确保社会既充满活力又和谐稳定。”加强和创新社会管理,是维护社会和谐稳定的源头性、根本性和基础性工作,是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。促进社会管理创新,当务之急是积极推进制度建设,根治当前某些领导干部中存在的不利于推进社会管理创新的思维定式和政绩取向,加快形成让善于创新社会管理的人上、不会创新社会管理的人让、阻碍创新社会管理的人下的制度。 General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out at the opening ceremony of the seminar on social management and innovation of major leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels: “We must step up the building of laws, systems and capabilities for social management, safeguard the rights and interests of the people, promote social fairness and justice, and maintain social order Maintain a good order and build a socialism social management system with Chinese characteristics so as to ensure that the society is full of vitality and harmony and stability. ”Strengthening and innovating social management is the source, fundamental and fundamental task of maintaining social harmony and stability, and is the key to building a harmonious socialist society The inevitable requirement of society. Promote social and management innovation, the top priority is to actively promote the system construction, cure some of the current leading cadres exist not conducive to promoting social management innovation thinking style and performance orientation, accelerate the formation of so good at innovation and social management, will not innovate social management The system of people who hinder the innovation of social management.
琼瑶“不再捧内地新人” 由于《还珠格格》里的格格们甚至丫环都相继与捧红自己的公司反目成仇,很快便传出寒了心的琼瑶发誓 “不再捧内地新人”的信息。当然,琼瑶捧不棒内地新
一部反映北京检验检疫局成立一周年以来工作情况的电视专题片———《北京检验检疫》 ,最近已拍摄制作完成。北京检验检疫局自去年 8月 10日组建成立后 ,在国家检验检疫局和
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