正确认识老龄化与经济发展的辩证关系 经济发展和社会与科技进步一方面改变着人们的生育观,使人口出生率下降;另一方面促使死亡率下降,人口平均寿命延长,从而使人口老龄化出现。而人口老龄化这一人口年龄构成的变化,必然给经济发展带来一些影响,引起劳动力资源、对老年人的赡养比、国民收入的分配与再分配、储蓄与投资等方面的变化。这些变化多数对经济发展有一定的制约作用,同时也存在一些有利的积极因素。由于人口老
Correctly understand the dialectical relationship between aging and economic development Economic development and social and scientific progress have on the one hand changed people’s concept of reproduction and decreased the birth rate; on the other, they have led to a decrease in mortality and an increase in the average life expectancy of the population, which has led to the aging of the population . However, the aging of the population as a result of changes in the age composition inevitably brings some effects on economic development, causing changes in labor resources, the support for the elderly, the distribution and redistribution of national income, savings and investment. Most of these changes have some constraining effect on economic development, and at the same time, there are some positive and positive factors. Due to the old population