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(一)在支撑我省经济大厦的支柱产业中,冶金工业举足轻重。“八五”期间,我省的冶金工业实现了持续、快速发展,经济实力明显增强,在全国的位次前移。1995年,全省钢产量跃居全国第4位,生铁居第3位,均比“七五”末上升了2个位次;钢材产量居全国第5位,比1990年前移了1个位次。唐钢、邯钢的钢产量超过200万吨,进入全国特大型钢铁企业行列;邢钢结束了有铁无钢的历史,实现了历史性突破;宣钢、承钢、石钢正朝着百万吨级钢铁企业目标迈进;有色、机构、炭素和市、地一批骨干企业也得到较快发展。5年间,全省冶金工业共实现利税136.07 (A) of the pillar industries in support of our province’s economic building, the metallurgical industry plays a decisive role. During the “85” period, the metallurgical industry in our province achieved a sustained and rapid development, the economic strength was obviously enhanced, and the ranking of the country moved forward. In 1995, the province’s steel output jumped to No. 4 in the country and No. 3 in pig iron were both up by 2 places compared with the end of the “75” period. The output of steel ranks the 5th in the country, which was lower than that in 1990 1 place. Tangshan Iron and Steel, Handan Iron and Steel more than 200 tons of steel production, into the ranks of the country’s large iron and steel enterprises; Xing Gang ended iron and steel-free history, to achieve a historic breakthrough; declared steel, Cheng Steel, Ten thousand tons of iron and steel enterprises goal; nonferrous metals, institutions, carbon and city, to a number of key enterprises have also been rapid development. In 5 years, the province’s metallurgical industry realized a total profit and tax 136.07
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美国MK(Morrison Knudsen,过去专营机车修理和改造——译者)公司与本国著名的Caterpillar柴油机公司签订了一项将最新技术的Caterpillar柴油机装用于MK公司制造的铁路机车的