
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuhaolf
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A large ectopic liver nodule connected to the greater omentum had undergone i nfarction and separation because of torsion of its connecting stalk and was the cause of acute abdominal pain and elevated liver enzymes in a young female child . At laparotomy for a suspected perforated appendicitis, a hemorrhagic peritonea l fluid was found, together with an intraperitoneal solid mass lying freely in t he right iliac fossa. The definitive diagnosis was obtained by histopathology. T his is the first known such reported case. A large ectopic liver nodule connected to the greater omentum had undergone i nfarction and separation because of torsion of its connecting stalk and was the cause of acute abdominal pain and elevated liver enzymes in a young female child. At laparotomy for a suspected perforated appendicitis, a hemorrhagic peritonea l fluid was found, together with an intraperitoneal solid mass lying freely in t he right iliac fossa. The definitive diagnosis was obtained by histopathology. T his is the first known such reported case.
一、背景在人类生产斗争的历史中,计算工具的改进一直是很重要的。长期以来人类制造和使用了各种机械的计算装置。直到1946年冯诺埃曼(Von Neumann)提出了程序存储式计算机
带着对二十世纪的留恋 ,怀着对新世纪的企盼 ,我们———占世界人口四分之一的中华民族 ,和世界上各族人民一起 ,跨入了一个崭新的世纪!恭逢千禧 ,何当其幸!相信每一个地球公民
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中国计算机学会理论专业学组于1983年11月18日至21日在长沙召开了第一次学术交流会。到会代表78名,来自全国59个单位。 会议通过大会报告和小组宣读论文广泛地进行了学术交