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  1. We cannot finger out _______ quite a number of insects; birds and animals are dying out.
  A. that B. as
  C. why D. when
  2. You can’t imagine ____ when they received these nice Christmas presents.
  A. how they were excited
  B. how excited they were
  C. how excited were they
  D. they were how excited
  3. I remember _____ this used to be a quiet village.
  A. when B. how
  C. where D. what
  4. The grand hotel has been completed, but we don’t know ______ come into use.
  A. how long will it B. how long it will
  C. how soon will it D. how soon it will
  5. It was a matter of _______ would take the position.
  A. who B. whoever
  C. whomever D. whom
  6. Is this the museum _____ you visited the other day?
  A. that B. where
  C. in which D. the one
  7. Is this museum _____ some German friends visited last Wednesday?
  A. that B. where
  C. in which D. the one
  8. Some of the roads were flooded, _____ made our journey more difficult.
  A. which B. it
  C. what D. that
  9. Is this the factory _______ you visited the other day?
  A. that B. where
  C. in which D. the one
   10. Is this factory ______ some foreign friends visited last Friday?
  A. that B. where
  C. which D. the one
   11. Is this the factory _______ he worked ten years ago?
  A. that B. where
  C. which D. the one
  12.This is the museum _____ we visited last week.
  A. where B. which
  C. the one that D. in which
  13. This is the museum _____ my father worked five years ago.
  A. where B. which
  C. the one that D. that
  14. Is this school _____ we visited last year?
  A. where B. in which
  C. the one D. at which
  15. There are other reasons _____ hiking is so popular.
  A. why B. for that
  C. which D. how
  16. October 1,1949 is the day _____ we’ll never forget.
  A. when B. that
  C. where D. in which
  17. October 1,1949 was the day _____ the People’s Republic of China was founded.
  A. which B. when
  C. where D. in which
  18. Is this the shop _____ sells children’s clothing?
  A. which B. where
  C. in which D. what
  19. Is this museum _____ they visited last month?
  A. that B. which
  C. where D. the one
  20. The reason is______ he is unable to operate the machine.
  A. because B. why
  C. that D. whether
  21. Is it in that factory _______ “Red Flag” cars are produced?
  A. in which B. where
  C. which D. that
  22. Is that the reason ______ you are in favor of the proposal?
  A. which B. what
  C. why D. for that
   23. The factory _____ Mr. Li used to work was closed last week.
  A. when B. where
  C. that D. which
  24. Mr. Wu, _____ everybody likes, is going to give us a talk on chemistry.
  A. whom B. that
  C. which D. /
  25. This is Mr. Smith, _____ I think has something interesting to tell us.
  A. who B. whom
  C. that D. /
  26. Is there anybody here _____ his name?
  A. who knows B. to know
  C. knows D. know
  27. He has to work on Sundays, _____ he does not like.
  A. and which B. which
  C. and when D. when
  28. I gave him a warning, _____ he turned a deaf ear.
  A. of which B. for which
  C. to that D. to which
  29. This is the best book _____ I have been looking for all this year.
  A. who B. whom
  C. which D. /
  30.This is the only article of these that _____ written by him.
  A. was B. were
  C. is D. are
  31. There is only one thing _______ I can do.
  A. what B. that
  C. all D. which
  32. The two things ______ they felt very proud are Jim’s gold watch and Della’s hair.
  A. about whichB. of which
  C. in whichD. for which
  33. It was in 1969 _______ the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon.
  A. that B. which
  C. when D. in which
  34. May the fourth is the day ________ we Chinese people will never forget.
  A. which B. when
  C. on which D. about which
  35. He has two sons, ________ work as chemists.
  A. two of whomB. both of whom
  C. both of which D. all of whom
  36. The girl handed everything _____ she had picked up in the street to the police.
  A. which B. in which
  C. that D. all
  37. _____ cleans the blackboard should be praised.
  A. That B. Who
  C. The one who D. The students who
  38. Please show me the book _____ you bought yesterday.
  A. which B. whom
  C. whose D. this
  39. On the border between England and Wales, there is a town which was once only a sheep market, but _____ has now become a huge book-shop as well.
   A. which B. where
   C. that D. what
  40. With the help of the computer, the day has come _____ we can work at home.
  A. that B. when
  C. which D. in which
  41. The film reminded him of _____ he had seen in China.
  A. everything that B. all what
  C. that D. which
  42. It was such a serious mistake, _____ caused by carelessness.
  A. which I think was
  B. which I think it was
  C. I think which was
  D. I think which it was
  43. He lived in London for 3 months, during _____ he picked up some English.
  A. this B. which
  C. that D. when
  44. I don’t like __________ you speak to her.
  A. the way B. the way in that
  C. the way which D. the way of which
  45. Last term our maths teacher set so difficult an examination problem _____ none of us work out.
  A. that B. as
  C. so that D. which
  46. Tom has many books, most of _____ are on computers.
  A. which B. whom
  C. whose D. this
  47. The old man has two sons, both of _____ are doctors.
  A. which B. whom
  C. whose D. this
  48. The buses, _____ were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd.
  A. most of that B. which most
  C. most of which D. that most
  49. My glasses, _____ I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.
  A. which B. with which
  C. without which D. that
  50. I like the second football match __________ was held last week.
  A. which B. Who
  C. that D. /
  key 1---5 CBADA 6---10 ADAAD
   11---15 BBACA16---20 BBADC
   21---25 DCBAA26---30 ABDDC
   31---35 BBAAB36---40 CCAAB
   41---45 AABAB46---50 ABCCC
有一种力量,可以穿透纸背,抵达内心;有一种力量,可以唤起记忆,拨动心弦;有一种力量,可以观照自身,叩问灵魂……这就是文学的力量。  随着第八届茅盾文学奖的揭晓和颁奖典礼的举行,“天行者”“你在高原”等成为近段时间的一个热词。此刻,让我们以文学的名义,细品那些和茅盾文学奖有着千丝万缕的作品,重新审视我们当下的文学影响力究竟有多广,有多深?它给我们留下了怎样的一笔财富?  (一)影响力之评选结果:“花
“十朝都会处,金陵帝王州”,坐拥6000多年文明史和2400多年建城史的南京,承载着厚重的历史和深邃的文化。在这里,水波潋滟的秦淮河流淌着千年的智慧与文明,虎踞龙盘的钟山飘摇着深沉的历史与沧桑,巍巍古朴的明城墙镌刻着特有的骄傲与遐想……  此刻,让我们以文学的线索畅游南京,在城市中寻找南京的文学故事,从而发现这座城市的内蕴和历史神韵。    ☆诗赋之都  南京龙盘虎踞,兼具雄壮与秀美之气,
不知不觉,又到了岁末。亲爱的读者朋友,《考试高考语文》有了一些新变化,您还满意吗?请认真填写下面的问卷,让我们知道您真实的想法。  1.最喜欢哪个栏目?理由是什么?  2.最不喜欢的栏目是什么?理由是什么?  3.最喜欢哪些文章?  4.最想开设的栏目是什么?理由是什么?  5.您对改版后的封面满意吗?如果不满意,请告诉您的建议。  6.请用1-3个词评价杂志。  7.其他想说的话。  赶紧来信告
编辑小叮天天对着电脑屏幕,工作时间不长,脖子、肩膀啥的就不是很听话了。呵呵,危险信号。她偶尔也跟人吐吐苦水,讨教锻炼“秘笈”。最近,她迷上了拉“筋”,每天都会抽出二十分钟,躺在专业的“拉筋凳”上,闭目养神。听说,效果还不错!  长期伏案学习的同学们,不妨一试哦!总之,一切贵在坚持!
素材库  城市精神,宛如人的灵魂,它是文明素养与道德风尚的综合展示,是意志品格与文化底蕴的精确提炼,是生活信念与人生境界的高度升华。品读下面这些精彩素材的时候,你一定会禁不住追问:我生活的城市,灵魂在哪里呢?     “能帮就帮”融入南宁人的血液  2011年9月27日的《当代生活报》报道,走进南宁市望州南社区,首先映入眼帘的就是“能帮就帮”四个耀眼而醒目的大字!这几个字,目前已经成为南宁市的精神
吾生三愿,纯朴却激越:一曰渴望爱情,二曰求索知识,三曰悲悯吾类之无尽苦难。此三愿,如疾风,迫吾无助飘零于苦水深海之上,直达绝望之彼岸。  吾求爱,盖因其赐吾狂喜——狂喜之剧足令吾舍此生而享其片刻;吾求爱,亦因其可驱寂寞之感,吾人每生寂寞之情辄兢兢俯视天地之缘,而见绝望之无底深渊;吾求爱还因若得爱,即可窥视圣哲诗人所见之神秘天国。此吾生之所求,虽虑其之至美而恐终不为凡人所得,亦可谓吾之所得也。  吾
编者按:这是高考过来人的“作文观”。或许没有很高的理论高度,却是从实践中悟出的行之有效的方法,是在过程体验中时的智慧结晶,是渗透了汗水和泪水的肺腑之言。  高考作文“三部曲”  李淑韵 武汉大学文理学部 大一   一、“掀起你的盖头来”——准确的审题和巧妙的构思令你的文章独具一格  作文最忌“跑题”,一旦“跑题”,语句多优美、论据多充分也无济于事。因此,深入剖析作文题目背后出题者的真正意图是写作
开卷有益。  读书,贵在坚持,即使成效不太明显,也不舍不弃。惟其如此,才能广识益智,才能从“必然王国”逐步走向“自由王国”。  读书习惯,因人而异;个中乐趣,大小有别。  一位青年朋友,酷爱小说。其乐趣是,每拿一本新书,最喜欢翻到最后一页,以在没有任何过程积累之前看破结局为快;又以作家构思,多“始合后分再合,终幡然醒悟”,诸篇一律为软肋,所以故事再好,跌宕起伏,悬念迭出,也是一目十行——印刷制品时
中国在五千年历史发展中,创造了丰富多彩的节日文化,不仅广泛地影响着人们的生活,还深刻地影响着人们的情感态度和价值取向。面对节日,有人感受到的是浓郁的节日文化、真挚的亲情乡情,也有人感受到的是过节如过关的艰辛、凄凉,曲折地反映着当时的社会面貌和某一群体独特的生活体验。  小节日,大文化,多彩人生,认真品读下面三篇散文,也许你会受益匪浅。