本文建立动态离散时间系统的强容差控制与弱容差控制的概念与方法,其方法是基于运用非线性技术。强容差控制是以性能指标为核心,决定控制向量 u(K)的组合;弱容差控制是以经济指标为核心,决定控制向量的精度。 本文给出了最优控制的强容差设计的具休步骤:构造内表与外表,数据分析,方差分析与增益计算。同时给出了闭环控制的强容差设计的方法。文中对中国人口发展过程使用强容差设计,得到30年内不同发展水平的开环与闭环的最优比生育率。
This paper establishes the concept and method of the control of the strong tolerance and the control of the weak tolerance of the dynamic discrete-time system. The method is based on the use of nonlinear technology. Tolerance control is based on performance indicators as the core, decided to control the vector u (K) combination; weak tolerance control is the economic indicators as the core, to determine the accuracy of the control vector. In this paper, we give some steps to design a strong tolerance design for optimal control: constructing inner and outer surfaces, data analysis, variance analysis and gain calculation. At the same time, a method of strong tolerance design of closed-loop control is given. In this paper, we use the strong tolerance design for the population development in China and get the optimal ratio of open loop to closed loop for different development levels in 30 years.