5G High Mobility Wireless Communications: Challenges and Solutions

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The fifth generation(5G) network is expected to support significantly large amount of mobile data traffic and huge number of wireless connections,to achieve better spectrum- and energy-efficiency,as well as quality of service(QoS) in terms of delay,reliability and security.Furthermore,the 5G network shall also incorporate high mobility requirements as an integral part,providing satisfactory service to users travelling at a speed up to 500 km/h.This paper provides a survey of potential high mobility wireless communication(HMWC) techniques for 5G network.After discussing the typical requirements and challenges of HMWC,key techniques to cope with the challenges are reviewed,including transmission techniques under the fast timevarying channels,network architecture with mobility support,and mobility management.Finally,future research directions on 5G high mobility communications are given. The fifth generation (5G) network is expected to support significantly large amount of mobile data traffic and huge number of wireless connections, to achieve better spectrum- and energy-efficiency, as well as quality of service (QoS) in terms of delay, reliability and security. Future plus, the 5G network shall incorporate the high mobility requirements as an integral part, providing satisfactory service to users traveling at a speed up to 500 km / h. This paper provides a survey of potential high mobility wireless communication (HMWC) techniques for 5G network. After discussing the typical requirements and challenges of HMWC, key techniques to cope with the challenges are reviewed, including transmission techniques under the fast time varying channels, network architecture with mobility support, and mobility management. Finaally, future research directions on 5G high mobility communications are given.
元代山水画平淡天真的画风,完成了自宋代以来山水画从重再现到重表现的转变,这一发展与转变的原因有哪些呢?本文就此问题进行了探讨。 Yuan Dynasty landscape plain and in
[摘 要] 新时期的社会主义法治建设的新形势、新目标对监狱司法警察和社区矫正工作人员提出了更高的要求,警察学校作为培养司法类人才的基地,也应适应社会发展,做到与时俱进,不断提高警校学生的职业素质教育,努力培养出一支作风优良、政治立场坚定、业务精通、具有良好职业素养的高素质人才后备力量,为司法警察队伍提供源源不断的人才保证和支持。  [关 键 词] 警校;司法警察;职业教育  [中图分类号] G64
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