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在进一步深化改革开放,大力发展社会主义市场经济体制,积极推进新税制的新形势下,加强地税机关领导班子建设,应从以下几个方面来努力: 一要坚持全心全意为人民服务的宗旨当前,地税机关面临重重困难和矛盾,既要艰苦刨业,加强基层建设,又要努力建设一支廉洁高效,掌握现代化管理技能的高素质地税干部队伍,积极完成地税各项任务。这就要求领导班子明确:群众观点是我们党的基本政治观点;群众路线是我们党的根本工作路线。在想问题、办事情时,务必要把关心群众、依靠群众、切实为群众谋利益,作为出发点和落脚点, Under the new situation of further deepening reform and opening up, vigorously developing the socialist market economic system and actively promoting the new tax system, efforts should be made in the following aspects: First, we must uphold the principle of serving the people wholeheartedly At present, Organizations face numerous difficulties and contradictions. They must not only plague the country hard, strengthen grassroots construction, but also strive to build a high-quality cadre of cadres who are honest, efficient and capable of mastering modern management skills and actively carry out various tasks in the local government. This requires the leadership to make it clear that the mass viewpoint is the basic political viewpoint of our party and that the mass line is the fundamental line of work of our party. When thinking about problems and doing business, we must take care of the masses, rely on the masses, and work for the interests of the masses. As a starting point and a foothold,
一、CFER简介China Finance and Economic Review (CFER,《中国财政与经济研究》)是由中国社会科学院主管、中国社会科学院财经战略研究院主办的英文学术季刊,自2012年12月创
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