由宁夏自治区文化厅、宁夏日报社、宁夏自治区图书馆联合举办的91年度读书知识大赛,历时近两月,于5月2 5日圆满结束。这次读书知识大赛是作为91年度图书馆服务宣传周活动的一次重要内容而举办的。整个大赛分预赛和决赛两个阶段。预赛题于4月2日《宁夏日报》公开刊登,5月5日截稿。一个多月后,大赛组委会陆续收到赛题答卷数百份,参赛者有工程技术人员、教师、机关干部、工人、大中学校学生、解放军战士和武警战士、市、县图书馆工作人员等,来自全区各地、市、县。经过认真评选,择优选出了20人参加决赛。
The 91th Annual Reading Knowledge Competition jointly organized by the Ningxia Autonomous Region Department of Culture, Ningxia Daily and Ningxia Autonomous Region Libraries lasted nearly two months and ended on May 25. The Reading Knowledge Competition was held as an important part of the 91th Annual Library Services Publicity Week. The entire contest points preliminaries and finals two stages. Preliminary questions in the April 2 “Ningxia Daily” published in public, May 5 deadline. More than a month later, the organizing committee received hundreds of questions and answers in full. The participants included engineers and technicians, teachers, cadres, workers, middle and high school students, PLA soldiers and armed police soldiers, city and county library staff And so on, from all over the region, city and county. After careful selection, choose the best 20 people participated in the final.