擎“中通”巨笔 绘“川中矫龙”——访中共遂宁市委书记罗元富

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遂宁市在实施“中通”战略短短几年间,取得了经济增长速度每年超过12%,经济实力由过去全省倒数第3上升至全省排名第9的骄人成就。“中通”战略的实施,使遂宁市的经济取得万众瞩目的成就,可以想见,“中通”战略具有何等的魅力。 带着对“中通”战略的浓郁兴趣,记者专程采访了毕业于重庆大学、在任宜宾行署专员时曾以改善投资环境、加强交通建设实绩卓著而闻名,被百姓誉为“踏专员”,富有 Suining City in the implementation of “Zhongtong” strategy just a few years, achieved an annual economic growth rate of more than 12%, the economic strength by the last province rose from the penultimate 3 to the province ranked No. 9 impressive achievements. The implementation of “Zhongtong” strategy has made Suining its economy an eye-catching achievement. We can see how attractive the strategy of “Zhongtong” is. With a strong interest in the strategy of “Zhongtong”, the reporter made a special interview with a graduate of Chongqing University. During his appointment as Commissioner of Yibin Administrative Department, he was well known for his excellent investment environment and outstanding achievements in traffic construction.
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