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目的了解沈阳市和平区7~18岁中小学生现时营养状况和变化趋势,为制定沈阳市中小学生营养干预措施提供科学依据。方法采取整群抽样的方法,抽取沈阳市和平区体质监测学生42 601人,按照《中国学生体质与健康调研检测细则》[1]测量学生的身高和体质量,采用WHO提倡的身高标准体重法,对照中国学生7~22岁身高标准体质量值进行评价。结果沈阳市和平区7~18岁学生47.25%营养状况良好,较2002年低0.77%;营养不良检出率为21.63%,较2002年高出0.33%,女生所占比例显著高于男生,高中生营养不良率最高,初中生次之,小学生最低。体质量超标检出率为12.14%,较2002年高出0.48%;肥胖率为18.99%,较2002年低0.03%;男生体质量超标和肥胖所占比例高于女生,小学生营养过剩的检出率最高,初中生次之,高中生最低。结论沈阳市和平区7~18岁学生营养不良与营养过剩同时并存,增长幅度趋于平缓,应加强营养宣传教育,针对行性的采取营养干预措施。 Objective To understand the current nutritional status and trends of primary and secondary school students aged 7-18 years in Heping District of Shenyang City and to provide a scientific basis for formulating nutrition intervention measures for primary and secondary school students in Shenyang City. Methods A total of 42 601 physical fitness test students in Heping District of Shenyang were collected by cluster sampling method. The height and body mass of the students were measured according to the “Rules for the Investigation and Examination of Chinese Students’ Physique and Health” [1] , Compared with Chinese students height standard body weight of 7 to 22 years for evaluation. Results 47.25% of the students aged 7-18 years old in Heping District of Shenyang had a good nutrition status, which was 0.77% lower than that of 2002. The detection rate of malnutrition was 21.63%, 0.33% higher than that of 2002. The proportion of girls was significantly higher than that of boys and girls Students malnutrition rate highest, followed by junior high school students, the lowest primary school students. The detection rate of overweight body weight was 12.14%, 0.48% higher than that of 2002. The obesity rate was 18.99%, 0.03% lower than that of 2002. The overweight and obesity proportion of boys was higher than that of girls and the overfeeding of primary school students was detected The highest rate, followed by junior high school students, the lowest high school students. Conclusion Malnutrition and overnutrition of 7-18-year-old students in Heping District of Shenyang City co-exist at the same time, the growth rate tends to be gentle. Nutritional education should be strengthened and nutrition intervention should be taken according to the nature.
在华盛顿郊外的一座没有标记的办公楼里,一个中校正在设计一种武器系统,这种系统将对美国陆军的作战方式可能有革命性的影响。 上述这座建筑物是“国防预研项目局”的福索纳
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