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在PC产品市场,联想是中国的一面旗帜,联想集团在2003/2004财年总体营业额达231.76亿港元。在国内市场,联想商用机市场占有率29.4%,联想家用机市场占有率28.4%,在亚太市场,2004年一季度联想在IDC的排名稳居第一。在网络通信市场上,华为也是中国的一面旗帜。2003年,华为公司全球市场销售达到317亿元人民币,其中,海外销售10.5亿美元。据Gartner统计,华为DSL出货量连续三个季度居全球第二;据RHK统计,华为光网络市场份额全球排名第四,亚太地区排名第一。那么我们的软件企业现状如何呢?用友软件2003年度实现主营业务收入6.02亿元人民币。中软2003财年共收入54659万元人民币。唯一突破20亿元的是东软股份,2003年主营业务收入达到20.17亿元,然而这个收入里面包含了系统集成、医疗设备等各方面的收入。因此,大部分国外软件巨头集体缺席的第八届中国国际软件博览会用冷冷清清形容似乎毫不过分。除了开幕式上信产部相关负责人用一系列数字展示我国软件产业高速发展成就,以及稍后进行的纪念中国软件行业协会成立20周年而举行的颁奖仪式让软博会现场出现过两次短暂的高潮外,本届软博会几乎没有太多可值得记忆的地方,更让这个以“软件产业国际化”为主题的“国际”软件博览会显得有些名不副实。 In the PC product market, Lenovo is a banner of China, Lenovo Group in the fiscal year 2003/2004 total turnover of 23.176 billion Hong Kong dollars. In the domestic market, Lenovo’s market share of commercial machines 29.4%, Lenovo home machine market share of 28.4% in the Asia-Pacific market, the first quarter of 2004, Lenovo ranked first in IDC. In the network communications market, Huawei is also a banner of China. In 2003, Huawei’s global market reached 31.7 billion yuan, of which overseas sales of 1.05 billion U.S. dollars. According to statistics from Gartner, Huawei’s DSL shipments rank the second in the world for three consecutive quarters. According to RHK statistics, Huawei’s optical network has the fourth largest market share in the world and the No. 1 in the Asia-Pacific region. So what is the status quo of our software companies? UFIDA software in 2003 to achieve the main business income of 602 million yuan. In soft 2003 fiscal year a total revenue of 546.59 million yuan. The only one that exceeded 2 billion yuan was Neusoft. In 2003, its main business income reached 2.017 billion yuan. However, this income includes all aspects of system integration and medical equipment. Therefore, the majority of foreign software giant collective absence of the Eighth China International Software Expo described with a clear description of the indifference. In addition to the opening ceremony of the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Information Industry with a series of figures show the rapid development of China’s software industry achievements, as well as to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of China Software Industry Association held a ceremony to make the scene of the Soft Fair twice At the same time, there are not many places worth remembering at this year’s Soft Fair. Even more, the “International” Software Expo with the theme of “Internationalization of the Software Industry” seems somewhat unworthy of the name.
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三菱化学公司发言人近日表示,该公司在宁波投资建设的60万t/a PTA 项目计划在2004年4月以前获得中国政府的最终审批。项目可能会以合资的方式经营,中方合作伙伴可能是中国国
在金庸的武侠小说里面,有一个人叫刘瑛姑。她花了50年的时间恨一个人,那个人叫裘千仞,他曾经杀了刘瑛姑的孩子。这是所有金庸小说里最旷日持久、最刻骨铭心的一场仇恨。  我经常想:当他们相遇的时候,会发生什么?是刘瑛姑大吼一声,猛扑上去,咬他、打他,和他拼命吗?  作者是高手,很懂得人性和人心,他写出的结果是:刘瑛姑居然认不出仇人了。  当旁人把裘千仞——这时已经是一个垂死的、枯瘦的老僧抬到她面前的时候
韩国晓星公司决定投资2500亿韩元(约合2.08 亿美元),在珠海建设一座新的氨纶生产厂,并扩充晓星在国内一座生产厂的设备。在珠海建的氨纶生产厂年产规模为1.8万吨,投资金额为1
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