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厚达1.5km 的 Phuket 群广泛分布于泰国半岛的南部,主要由一套冰海硅质碎屑岩序列组成,可与阿拉斯加及南极的第四纪冰海沉积序列相对比,也可与典型的冈瓦纳冰川沉积相对比。根据其中的Metalogoceras of involutum 确定 Phuket 群顶部的时代为亚丁斯克阶。从整个 Phuket 群中找到的腕足化石表明,其地质时代属于萨克马尔阶。在整合上覆的 Rat Buri 灰岩中发现了伦纳德阶的牙形石化石。在这套灰岩中也找到了亚丁斯克阶晚期至孔古尔阶的腕足类化石,这可以解释它与澳大利亚西部相近时代地层之间的关系。 The 1.5 km-wide Phuket group is widely distributed in the southern part of the Thai Peninsula and consists mainly of a sequence of ice-sea siliceous clastic sequences that can be compared with Quaternary ice-sea sedimentary sequences in Alaska and Antarctica, Glacier sedimentary contrast. According to the Metalogoceras of involutum, the age of the Top of the Phuket Cluster is defined as the Adamskian level. Barefoot fossils found throughout the Phuket group show that their geologic age belongs to the Sacher Marchese. The Leonard-style conodont fossils were found in the integrative Rat Buri limestone. The brachiopod fossils from the Late Adamsic to the Kungur are also found in this limestone, which explains its relation to the stratigraphy of a similar era in western Australia.
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2010新一代移动通信峰会在成都高新区天府软件园举行。高新区管委会副主任傅学坤透露,高新区计划拿出约10平方公里的土地支 2010 a new generation of mobile communication
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