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对中学生进行物理思维能力的培养,是物理教育中落实基础课程改革的核心内容之一,可使学生的整体素质得到较大发展。从物理学的角度出发培养学生的物理思维方法也可以间接地培养学生的认知自然界的科学观和认知人生的世界观,这才是教育教学的真正目标,也是课程改革和科学发展观的目标。 The cultivation of middle school students’ ability of physical thinking is one of the core contents of implementing the reform of basic courses in physics education, which can greatly improve the overall quality of students. From the point of view of physics, it is also the goal of education and teaching and the goal of curriculum reform and the scientific concept of development to cultivate the students ’methods of physical thinking indirectly by cultivating the students’ view of science and the world outlook of cognitive life indirectly .
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