
来源 :矿山机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xacxd1964
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一、对选煤设备损坏原因的调查、统计和分析苏联固体可燃矿物精选研究院为此进行调查的项目有:设备用材的特性,造成磨蚀损坏的种类,设备的额定寿命和实际寿命,腐蚀介质的特性,与腐蚀介质接触面的防护方法。对选煤厂用材统计表明,实际上所有选煤设备都是用CT.3钢制作,但它没抗腐蚀性能,同一设备在相同工作条件下可能受到以下几种腐蚀:点腐蚀、晶向腐蚀和机械应力蠕变。 I. Investigation, Statistics and Analysis of the Causes of Damage to Coal Preparation Equipment The projects investigated by the Institute for the Selection of Solid Flammable Minerals in the Soviet Union include the following: the characteristics of equipment timber, the types of damage caused by abrasion, the equipment’s rated life and actual life, corrosion The characteristics of the medium, the method of contact with the corrosive medium. The statistics of the coal preparation plant show that virtually all coal preparation equipment is made of CT.3 steel, but it has no corrosion resistance. The same equipment may suffer from the following kinds of corrosion under the same working conditions: pitting corrosion, crystal corrosion And mechanical stress creep.
经过半年来的函授学习,我的习作《朗朗月夜》终于在《函授月刊》第四期上得以发表。高兴之余,感慨颇多。 能够在报纸上看到自己的名字,我真是太高兴了。但更加让我感动的是,
本文以昆阳磷矿的复垦工作经验为主,结合国内外复垦的经验,阐述复垦工作的重要性;内排有关参数的设计;复田植被土壤的改良,植被的选择;今后复垦工作的开展等。 Based on the
目的:探讨磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging MRI)对产前胎盘植入(placental invasion)及其分型诊断的价值;总结胎盘植入的MRI主要影像学征象,分别探讨MRI上每种影像学
姓名:鲜知言  年龄:8岁  属相:鸡  爱好:书画、运动、看书  梦想:科学家  个人小成绩:书法7级;美术6级;多次书画比赛一等奖;作文比赛一等奖。
凿岩机械由于在露天和井下勘探、爆破和取样中的广泛应用,己完全有可能成为最通用的采矿工具。 Drilling machines have the potential to become the most versatile minin
目的:探讨正常人角质形成细胞(Normal human epidermal keratinocytes,NHEK)受到痤疮丙酸杆菌(Propionibacterium acnes,P.acnes)刺激后白介素-lβ(Interleukin-1β,IL-1β)、白介素-18 (Interleukin-18, IL-18)的表达情况,以及 NOD 样受体蛋 3 (Nucleotide-binding
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