
来源 :海洋预报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuzhangbin
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许多单位对北部湾中涠洲岛西南(20°27′N,109°38′E)海区设计波要素的推算作了大量的工作,为该海区海洋工程设计提供了海洋环境参数。从有关的资料中看出,大家采用的实测资料大都是来自北部湾沿岸海洋站的风、浪资料,主要的是以涠州岛海洋站的风、浪资料,涠洲岛西南海区离岸较远,水深为42米,而有长期资料的涠州岛海洋站在岸边,水深为19米,利用岸边资料推算外海波浪,一般多使用相关分析法和外推法(分析波浪到达岸边前的传播过程中的变形,由近岸的波浪观测值反推外海的波浪要素)。由于涠西南海上实测风、浪资料甚少,各单位在资料选取方面的不同,选用的推算方法的不同,以致于推算出的多年一遇设计波高产生了一定的差异。因此,为了定出较为确切的多年一遇有效波高,应用于海洋工程设计,我们利用了海上平台、海上浮标、涠洲岛海洋站的波浪资料,采用各种计算方法,分别用长、短期实测波浪推算多年一遇有效波高,然后,作出同种波浪资料,长、短期推算结果比较,作出岸边和外海不同波浪资料,同时间短期推算结果比较,作出外海浮标和平台不同时间短期推算结果比较。最后综合分析各种资料的可靠性和代表性以及长期与短期资料推算结果的可靠误差,确定涠西南海区的多年一遇有效波高。 Many units have done a lot of work on the calculation of the designed wave elements in the southwestern part of the Beibu Bay in Weizhou Island (20 ° 27’N, 109 ° 38’E), providing marine environmental parameters for the marine engineering design of the area. According to the relevant information, most of the measured data we use are mostly wind and wave data from the Beibu Gulf Coast Marine Station. The main data are the wind and wave data at the Zhuozhou Island Marine Station, the offshore of Weizhou Island in the southwestern sea area Far, the water depth is 42 meters, and the long-term information of the island of Zhuozhou Island standing on the shore, a depth of 19 meters, the use of coastal data extrapolation of offshore waves, the general use of correlation analysis and extrapolation (analysis of waves to shore Pre-spread deformation in the process of propagating off-shore wave elements from observations of nearshore waves). Due to the fact that the measured wind and wave data in the southwest of the sea in the southwest are very few and the units are different in the selection of data and the methods of calculation used, the estimated wave height in the once-in-a-year design has some differences. Therefore, in order to determine the more effective once-in-a-year effective wave height, applied to the marine engineering design, we have used the wave data of the offshore platforms, marine buoys and Weizhou Island marine stations. Various calculation methods were used, Wave projections are used to calculate the effective wave height for many years, and then the same type of wave data is made. Compared with the long-term and short-term projections, different wave data of the shore and the oceans are made. Compared with the short-term projections, the short- . Finally, a comprehensive analysis of the reliability and representativeness of various data and the reliable error of long-term and short-term data projections results in determining the once-in-a-year effective wave height in the southwest sea area.
一 丹河解冻      别人家给儿子娶媳妇放在腊月里。张掌柜给儿子娶媳妇放在二月里。   二月里,丹河解冻,积攒了一冬的冰开裂消融。已经暖和了的节气和还未暖和的河水,撞了。碰撞升发雾气,浮冰就在雾气里团团转,急于找出路的人一样。   事情还得从去年说起。   先是,原村的段掌柜牵着一头驴,突然出现在良户村。张掌柜一抬头看见段掌柜,笑了,说段掌柜有闲情来转转?段掌柜也笑,说去城里卖油返回来
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1.论悲伤  悲伤既是尖的也是较尖的(较之于无动  于衷)。要看什么人拥有它或何时何地。  2.尖而刺骨的  有的花香也有这种效果在下半夜(枯荷花在  凌晨)。在冰上制作冰窟窿。有人哭着分别。  3.看和理解  而哭着分别的人应该去认识水鸟:一只孵完蛋后刚从水面  飞起来的。只看飞的动作不看飞的是什么身子但也去理解。  4.犹如雪花  朝西南方向感知。朝东北方向  感知。此为四个方向此为纷飞。  