Altered ischemic cerebral injury in mice lacking α_(IE) subunit of the voltage-dependent Ca~(2+) cha

来源 :哈尔滨医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangda
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Abstract:Abstract: Objective ①To set up a stable and reproducible focal cerebral infarct model in mice;②To examine theinolvement of aIE subunit of voltage-dependent Ca~(2+ )channel in cerebral ischemic injury. Methods Male C57BL/6J Jclmice 8 -12w and F4-F6α_(IE )subunit of Ca~(2+) channel mutant mice were both used in this study. All animals were allowedto freely access to food and water before and after operation. Animals were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium 60mg/kg,ip. Rectal temperature was continuously monitored before, during and after operation, and maintained at (36.6± Objective ① To set the a stable and reproducible focal cerebral infarct model in mice; ② To examine the inolvement of aIE subunit of voltage-dependent Ca ~ (2+) channel in cerebral ischemic injury. Methods Male C57BL / 6J Jclmice 8 -12w All animals were allowedto freely access to food and water before and after operation. Animals were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium 60 mg / kg, and F4-F6α (IE) subunit of Ca 2+ channel mutant mice were both used in this study. ip. Rectal temperature was continuously monitored before, during and after operation, and maintained at (36.6 ±
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