
来源 :思想政治课教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dasmine
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江泽民李鹏等向优秀知识分子颁奖 1991年1月25日,江泽民、李鹏向全国有突出贡献的博士、硕士学位获得者、留学回国人员和优秀大学毕业生受表彰的代表颁奖。体现了党和政府对广大知识分子的关怀、爱护和期望。在受表彰的1220名同志的身上,闪烁着爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义的思想光辉。他们怀抱远大理想,把个人的前途同祖国的命运紧密地结合在一起,有着强烈的报效祖国、振兴中华的使命感。邓小平同志说过,实现现代化的关键是科技,基础在教育,这些都离不开人才的培养。近10年来,我国的高等教育,为社会主义建设各条战线输送了大学毕业生300多万人、硕 Jiang Zemin and Li Peng, etc. Presenting Awards to Excellent Intellectuals On January 25, 1991, Jiang Zemin and Li Peng presented awards to those representatives who received outstanding contributions from their PhDs, master degree holders, returned overseas students and outstanding university graduates. It reflects the concern and care and expectation of the party and the government over the vast number of intellectuals. On the 1220 comrades who have been honored, the glorious ideology of patriotism, collectivism and socialism flashed. They embrace the lofty ideals and closely integrate the future of their personal lives with the destiny of the motherland. They have a strong sense of mission to serve the motherland and rejuvenate the Chinese nation. Comrade Deng Xiaoping said that the key to realizing modernization is science and technology, and education is based on education. All this can not be done without the cultivation of qualified personnel. In the recent 10 years, China’s higher education has delivered more than 3 million university graduates to all fronts for the construction of socialism.
  Estimates of the potential of biochar to mitigate climate change vary widely and depend on different assumptions.Perhaps the most important of these assumpt
书写和语言表达的规范性在高考英語中非常重要,一篇作文得分的高低直接取决于书写和表达。因此,强化学生的规范意识就显得尤为重要。谁注意这两个方面谁就能抢得先机。下面我将我个人的一些做法以及我个人在这方面的理解和取得的一点成绩从三个方面来阐释这个问题。  1.书写和语言规范性的重要性  俗话说:字写得好坏是一个人的脸面。英语也如此。英语大纲对写的要求是:能熟练、清楚地书写大小写、词句、标点等运用正确、规