
来源 :四川党的建设(城市版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hntkpop
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马边彝族自治县1989年被列为省定贫困县,1993年初步解决温饱。根据省委、省政府的要求,马边在1999年要基本解决温饱,实现越温脱贫。现在,时间紧、任务重,因此,马边县应以决战的姿态来扶贫攻坚,确保如期达标。 马边县现有建卡贫困户相对集中在全县18个特困乡、110个特困村,其中省定特困村93个。到去年底,已有70%的建卡贫困户基本达到“五八”越温标准。这些贫困人口主要集中在地处偏远、交通闭塞、无电缺水、经济发展缓慢的高寒山区,这既是扶贫攻坚的重点和难点,也是决战贫困的最主要任务。为了打好扶贫攻坚战,马边全县上下始终坚持不懈地抓好四大工程:一是粮食丰收工程。在进一步强化农业科技推广力 The Mabian Yi Autonomous County was listed as a poverty-stricken counties in 1989 and the population was adequately solved in 1993. According to the request of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, Mabian basically solved the problem of food and clothing in 1999 and eliminated the need for more warmth. Now, the time is tight and the task is heavy. Therefore, Mabian County should tackle the difficult situation by fighting a decisive battle and ensure compliance on schedule. The existing poverty-stricken households in Mabian County are relatively concentrated in 18 impoverished villages and 110 impoverished villages in the county, of which 93 are special impoverished villages. By the end of last year, 70% of the poverty-stricken households who built cards basically reached the “five-eight” over-temperature standard. These poverty-stricken people are mainly located in the alpine region where they are located in remote areas with limited traffic, lack of electricity and water, and sluggish economic development. This is not only the key and difficult point of poverty alleviation but also the most important task in the battle against poverty. In order to lay a solid foundation for poverty alleviation, the entire county of Mabian always unswervingly grasp the four major projects: First, the project of harvesting grain. To further strengthen the promotion of agricultural science and technology
中共中央、国务院上月在北京召开 了中央经济工作会议。 中共中央总书记江泽民就当前国际国内形势,认真贯彻落实十五大提出的经济工作的各项任务,1998年经济工作的总体要求
The vibration unsteady condition of rolling mill caused by flexural vibration of strip has been investigated. The parametric flexural vibration equation of roll