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(一)奉华东军政委员会东办秘字第五三一号通令为转发中央人民政府政务院一九五○年八月十四日政政董字第三三号快函代电开:『兹为统一规定「行署」「专署」「区」「乡」或「村」政府名称如下:一、略。二、专署定名:某某省人民政府某某区专员公署。三、区定名:1.凡已召开人民代表会议成为一级政权的区,称:「某某县第×区人民政府」。2.凡未召开人民代表会议,仅为县人民政府之派出机关的区称:「某某县人民政府第×区公所」。区名亦按数字排列,但现在些有地区有用地名称区者,如一时更改不便,准暂用旧称。四、乡或村定名:某某县某某乡(村)人民政府,因区的机构常有变动故可不冠区名,特电知照。』(二)按照本省情况,「专署」与「乡」政府应遵照规定执行,专署名称变更后在新印未颁发前暂借用旧印,「区」的名称确定区是否须召开人民代表会议后,再作规定,目仍前维持现状,即称「区公所」或「区政府」者,仍以原称不动,区名并应按过去规定以数字排列。希即遵照为 (1) Order No. 531 of the East Office of the East China Military and Political Commission is forwarded to the Central People’s Government Office of the State Council August 13, 1950 Zheng Dongzheng No. 3 Quick-messenger: For unified regulation, the names of the government offices of the “Executive Office”, “Professional Offices”, “District”, “Town” or “Village” are as follows: I. Slightly. Second, agency named: a certain provincial people’s government district commissioner. Third, the district named: 1. Where the people’s congress has been convened to become a political power of the district, said: “Xunxian District People’s Government.” 2. Where a people’s congress has not been convened, it is only the area to be the organ of the county people’s government which is the dispatching organ: “xx district public office of XX County People’s Government”. The names of districts are also arranged in numbers. However, some districts with names of useful places nowadays are not allowed to change their names temporarily. Fourth, the name of the village or village: Moumou a certain township (village) People’s Government, due to the changes in the area of ​​the organization so often can not crown area name, special power of attorney. (2) According to the situation in the province, the government agencies of “agency” and “township” should follow the regulations. After the name of the agency is changed, the name of “district” should be temporarily borrowed before the new seal is issued. Whether the district is required to convene a people’s congress It is further stipulated that the status quo shall remain unchanged. That is, those who say “district office” or “district government” still use the original name as they are and the names of districts should be arranged in accordance with the provisions of the past. Follow that for
丙肝病毒的“末日”已至rn丙肝作为一种病毒性肝炎,全球目前约有7 100万感染者,中国约有1 000万感染者,发病率呈逐年上升趋势.中国整体的丙肝流行率是0.43%,数字看起来不是那